Chapter 6 Crimson eyes

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It was the next evening and a week had gone by since I had seen the girl. I really hoped she was okay, wherever she was. Though I really wished I could get some sort of proof of that.

I walked around on rooftops yet again. Kept my ears open, though my mind was occupied. Towards the end of Mabon, I had figured out why I was so hellbent on making sure the girl was okay, though it didn't make much sense. For some reason she reminded me of Saida. They looked nothing alike. Saida with blonde and short hair, tall, curvy and also muscular. From the few seconds I had looked at the girl she was the opposite. Long brown hair, short and skinny to the bones. But I guessed it was the innocence I had felt from the girl that had made me think of Saida.

My head wandered between thoughts of the girl and thoughts of Saida when I heard a familiar, yet that of a stranger's, scared voice.

"What is happening to me?"

My eyes went down to the alley to my right and there she was. Once again, I couldn't properly see her. She was on the ground, against the wall. Blocking her from my view was once again a vampire. Most likely the same one who had come to finish what I had interrupted.

I jumped down without thinking, without any plan, and landed five meters away from them.

"Don't touch her, blood sucker," I snarled.

The vampire got to its feet and turned around. It was the same one, alright. The hood was there again, hiding the face. But it was the same height and built.

"You should leave while you can, little girl," it told me, taking a step closer to me. Its voice was filled with a dark warning.

"I won't let you hurt her." I took a stake out, made sure the vampire could see what I held.

"I do not want to hurt you, but if you attack me I will," the vampire went on and I just rolled my eyes.

"Right. You'll just kill an innocent girl instead."

"I have no intention of killing anyone."

I let out a humorless laugh. "Manipulation and lies like that might work on some, but not me."

I didn't give it a chance to say anything more. I rushed towards it to get the stake into its heart. It dodged, but I quickly altered my direction. It tried to move out of my way again, but it did what all vampires did, underestimated me. It moved much slower than it should have and I had gotten out my iron knife. I managed to get it into its side and it hissed in pain. It moved its hand up and hit me across the face. I could tell that it used quiet some force, and I should have crumbled to the ground. But I stood firm and stabbed it with the knife again.

At that, it seemed to finally have understood to not underestimate me. It tried to get a grip on me over and over. As all vampires, it was faster than me, though I was fast. But avoiding getting caught was one of the things I did best. I kept on dodging it and occasionally I got the knife into it. I knew that for each stab it was weakened, I just needed to keep on going like that for long enough.

It lunged at me, and I didn't move fast enough. We both tumbled to the ground, but I managed to push it off me so that it ended up on its back. I took my chance and moved the stake to stab its heart.

The stake penetrated its skin, just the smallest amount, when I found that I couldn't move my arm anymore.

When we had fallen to the ground the hood had fallen back as well so I could see his face. The only part of his face I saw though was his eyes. They were in the red that all vampires' eyes were when they let their animalistic instincts take over completely. It was a red that I hated and I hated it particularly because it wasn't just red, it was crimson. I loved my dead parents, but I did hate them for naming me after such a vicious color. But looking into that vampire's crimson eyes, I didn't feel hate.

I wasn't sure what I felt. The emotions inside of me was in such a chaos, screaming opposite things at each other. In the back of my head though, the reality of what was going on overcame me, but I didn't acknowledge that. It just couldn't be true. Not a vampire.

He wasn't late with taking advantage of my stunned body. He ripped the stake from my hand before turning us over so he was the one on top of me. Then he sunk his teeth into my neck.

The moment his teeth broke my skin hurt a little, but when he started sucking up my blood all pain was gone. It was replaced by pleasure. Unbelievable pleasure and I was instantly lost in it. My body was on fire, craving and craving... something. I didn't know what but I knew I didn't want it to stop. In fact, I wanted more. I needed more. Everything just felt so good that it was painful but it also wasn't enough.

I wasn't aware of anything apart from the pleasure and the man that was pressed against me. His hard body that I wanted to have closer to me, that I held onto with all my might. I knew my body reacted and moved on its own accord, but I didn't know what it was doing. I could feel the pleasure building up inside of me though. Feel it growing and growing but unable to reach its peak because something was missing.

Inside my head I begged him for more while slowly falling into darkness.

Inside my head I begged him for more while slowly falling into darkness

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