Chapter 47 Acceptance

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We sat in silence for a long time. A small part of me, one that still couldn't let go of my many years of hatred towards vampires, one that for some reason had the Priestess' voice, told me that Lamech was lying. But the rest of me, felt certain that he wasn't. 

He bore no responsibility for my parents' deaths and as far as vampires came, he was as good as they could come. As far as people came, he was among the good ones. He had gone against the way he had been taught to find a better way. He had rebelled against even his father for what he knew was right. He had worked hard to make things better. 

I got up from the bed and slowly walked over to the couch. Lamech looked completely bewildered as I approached. Even apprehensive. I guessed he wasn't sure if I trusted his story or not. But he remained seated. 

When I got to him, I sat down on his lap, facing him with one leg on either side. His hands automatically landed on my hips and I put my hands on his shoulders. 

Neither of us spoke. We just looked into each other's eyes. 

Then we both moved at the same time. Him slightly up, and me slightly down, so that our lips met. 

His taste, that was the same as his scent, spread in my mouth as our tongues played. The thunder was the strongest in that moment and maybe that should have made me slightly scared, but it only made me feel desired. 

We kissed for a long time. Just kissed and nothing else. My arms had gone around his neck and one of his had traveled up my back. 

We stayed close together when we pulled apart. Our foreheads connected. I kept my eyes closed and just listened to our heavy breathing as they mixed together. 

"I'll help you find whoever killed them, Crimson. I promise you that," he told me, but somehow that didn't seem all that important anymore. I knew it wasn't him and that felt good enough for me. 

His words did warm my heart though. They made me feel like he did care. That maybe, just maybe, he was actually interested in more than just my body and my blood. 

I kissed him again. Not knowing how to express anything of what I felt or thought with words. We stayed like that, entangled in each other for a while. My fingers ran through his hair. His hands caressed my cheeks. 

It felt very different from all of the kissing we had done before. There had always been a feeling of desperation, but that wasn't there. I could still feel my own and his desire, but it was much gentler, softer, more loving. 

Our kisses held more than just sexual tension. 

Suddenly I felt him freeze and as I moved away to see what was wrong, I noticed a slight fog in his eyes and knew what that meant. Someone was mind-linking him.

"Fuck," he mumbled as his eyes returned to normal. "It's almost time for dinner."

"Oh," was all I could say because what I really wanted to tell him was to skip it, to stay there with me. But he had responsibilities that I knew I couldn't keep him from.

"Will you join us?" he asked and kissed my cheek as if he was as unwilling to part as I was.

"Sure," I answered while his kisses travelled down to my neck and sent shivers through me.

"Good. Alair will take you down. I'll join in a little with the wolves," he said but made no movement of letting me go.

"Okay," I answered and also stayed put. I had my eyes closed and just kept enjoying the feeling of his lips on my skin and wondered, hoped even that he would pierce it.

The Five Cursed Witches: Volume 2 - Crimson, the Witch of NightWhere stories live. Discover now