Chapter 31 Starter

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"I'll just eat in my room so you can discuss whatever you need to discuss without me being in the way," I said immediately and made to stand up and leave. I felt instantly awkward at Lamech being there and the idea of eating while he was in the room felt especially awkward, though I didn't know why.

"Don't be silly!" Kyle exclaimed. "Boss's just here to also try the food. It would only be a hassle to bring the food to your room. Besides, better to get two opinions than one."

I threw Lamech a quick glance and he shrugged his shoulders as if to say that he was fine either way. I really wanted to go, to be excused, but with a lack of reasons to, I stayed in my seat.

Lamech didn't seem to hesitate but slid into the chair opposite mine at the table as if it was the most natural thing in the world. We both sat in silence while Kyle bustled about, doing some last things, before placing a plate each in front of us, followed by drinks.

"So as a starter we have a ceviche that's been marinated in the same cider as you have to drink," Kyle said and then backed away, turned his back to let us try it.

I hesitated for a moment, never having been much for fish. But at the first bite I was already in love with the dish. The fishy taste had been perfectly mellowed by the sweetness and freshness of the cider and there was a small amount of chili added just to give it a slight sting. I marveled in the taste and completely forgot about the man sitting opposite me.

"Thoughts? Anything that has to be adjusted?" Kyle broke into our silent eating after a few mouthfuls.

"Anything to adjust?" I exclaimed and smiled brightly at him. "This right here is Goddess sent."

Kyle returned my smile and then turned to Lamech. It wasn't until then that I stopped focusing on the food and focused at him instead. I caught his eyes just as I looked at him, but he turned them to Kyle in an instance.

"It's your best ceviche yet," Lamech said. He had a warm smile on his lips as he said it that made him look more handsome than ever before and my heart skipped a beat. I turned to my glass and took sip of the cider, feeling the taste of it stronger than I had in the food.

"I'm glad to hear," Kyle said and it almost sounded a bit mockingly. But when I looked at him, he seemed as good-spirited as ever.

The silence returned and I went back to my food and continued to eat. By every minute that the silence went on, the awkwardness increased. I took small and careful bites, chewed on it for as long as possible to make sure I would have something to do, while also frantically trying to find a topic of conversation.

Just as I was about to give in and just ask any random question, Lamech cleared his throat. I looked up at him as he spoke.

"So what do you usually like to eat?" he asked me. He didn't look at me but at his plate.

"Ehm well, pizza, I guess. Think me and Saida must have tried every single place that has pizza on their menu in London by now," I laughed to myself.

"Saida," he repeated and looked up from his plate and to me. "She's the one you called, right?"


"And you said she's like both a sister and daughter to you?"

I was slightly taken aback. I hadn't expected him to remember that, or to actually now seem curious enough to ask about her. "Her mother wasn't a particularly good mother, so I kind of took her in, became her replacement mom. But by now our relationship is more like sisters."

"That's very noble of you."

I felt heat rise to my cheeks and instinctively looked away from him. "Not really. I'm sure most would have done the same."

"From what I've seen, I would claim the opposite."

I took the last piece of food from my plate to have something to do. Then I chewed it carefully to give myself a chance to find a change of topic. The only natural one that came to mind was food.

"How does it work with vampires and food really?" I asked once I had swallowed.

"Surprised that I eat?" he asked and gave me a teasing smile. Just like the warm smile from before, that teasing smile made my heart flutter.

"No," I said and my voice sounded harsher than I had meant it. "I know vampires can eat. But is it all just to eat? To fit in with others?"

"Mainly for that, and of course because eating good food can be quite the pleasure," he answered and took a sip from his glass. "It does give us some energy, similarly like it would for you. But almost neglectable compared to blood. And that would also depend on what food we eat."

"A bloody steak gives more than a salad, I presume?"


"So a raw steak is your favorite food?"

He laughed and shook his head. And if his smiles had made my heart flutter than his laugh made my heart do a somersault.

"I'm not going to deny that I do enjoy a well-prepared raw steak," he said, "but it's hardly my favorite."

"Then what is?"

He looked at me with intense eyes, similar to the intensity that had been there every time before drinking my blood or kissing me. But it also wasn't the same. It seemed gentler somehow.

"Grapes," he murmured.

"Grapes?" I repeated, astounded by his answer. I had definitely expected something very different. If not a dish heavy with red meat, then at least something extremely fancy. Grapes seemed like something far too ordinary to be among his favorite things to eat.

The conversation died again as neither of us seemed to find anything more to say on the current topic. But before it had time to get awkward, Kyle came to the rescue. He took away our plates and put new ones before us and new glasses as well, that time filled with red wine.

"So for main we have beef that has been slow-cooked in red wine and herbs together with polenta and a tomato salad. And the wine is of course the same one used in the cooking."


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