Chapter 80 Biology of vampires

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As I ran from the alley the turning vampire had been in, I tried to comprehend the new information I had just gotten, but not managing at all. Evermore. Lolek had called his mate his evermore.

As Alair had said, it could be Crimson's aunt. I didn't know if she had any so it was a possibility. Or it had all been a coincidence. But at the same time I was certain that neither was the case.

Lolek's mate had been Crimson's mother. But what did that mean regarding Crimson?

Needing an answer I sent a message to her, asking about her parents' names. She was the best source of knowledge for that and she could in a heartbeat make all the crazy thoughts I had go away.

When I arrived back at the clan house, there still wasn't any answer from Crimson. Deciding to try to find answers on my own, I hurried to our library, but looking at the massive number of books in there, I had no idea where to start.

"Olivier, come to the library," I sent through the mind-link.

He showed up, Alair at his heels. Both of them looked slightly worried and I assumed that Alair had shared the revelation with him.

"I need that vampire biology lesson now," I said as soon as they walked in.

"It's impossible, Lamech," Olivier said as if he read my thoughts. "Lolek can't be Crimson's father. She wouldn't be a witch then. Maybe Lolek's mate was Crimson's mother. But we don't know what happened after he went to fetch her here. It's more likely that Starlight killed him, but spared her and that Crimson's mother had her with someone else."

What he said made sense. Complete sense and was a much more logical explanation of it all. But my instincts told me it wasn't the case.

"What about all of the vampire traits that Crimson has then? Why would she have that?" I pressed on.

"We already discussed that," Alair pointed out. "They could have done something to strengthen her, that's all."

"But why doesn't she know about it then? And how can we be so sure that it is absolutely impossible for a vampire to have a child with someone that isn't a vampire?"

"Because we need to be mated to whoever we have a child with!" Olivier said in a raised voice, a sure sign of that his patience ran thin. "Nyx made it so when she created the first vampires. She valued the love the two first vampires shared to such an extent that she wanted that type of love, the love of two people that have mated, to stand above all else."

At the mentioning of Nyx, a memory stirred in me.

Three out of five of blood has been born and when you find yours remember the story of Nyx and the long-lost halo.

I had never expected that sentence to make any sense but in that moment it was completely clear. Crimson was one of the three that had been born and she was mine to find in the sense that she was my mate. So it was time to remember the story of Nyx and the long-lost halo.

I had no idea what part any long-lost halo had to play. I had never heard any story connected to Nyx that had a halo in it. In fact, the only story about Nyx that I could think about was the one of the first vampires. I knew the basics of that story, but I guessed I needed to know the details.

"Do we have any book with the full version of the creation of the first vampires?" I asked and looked at a random bookshelf.

"Of course," Olivier answered and went to the opposite wall from which he pulled a book. He flipped through the pages and handed it to me opened to the right one.

I read through the story quickly one time, then I read through the later part more carefully. I felt a sense of triumph having read it, but also a looming cloud of danger and fear.

"Read this and tell me it's impossible for Lolek to be Crimson's father," I said and shoved the book at Olivier and Alair.

As they read, I took out my phone again. There still wasn't any answer from Crimson and I definitely started to worry.

We need to talk. Call me, I typed and sent to her. Then I paced the room while Olivier and Alair finished reading.

"So this would mean... She really is a witch-vampire hybrid," Alair whispered when he had finished.

"But how... How can this not be more well known?" Olivier said.

"How many people would end up with their mate in such an extreme situation that they would be given the possibility to solidify the bond without the traditional methods?" I pointed out and kept pacing. I opened up my phone again. There was still no answer. I pressed on her number and called, but she didn't pick up.

Then Alair decided to voice what had me worried. "If her coven was to find out that she's part vampire, she'll be in danger."

"That must have been what happened to her. Someone hid her vampire side as a form of protection," Olivier added on.

I sent another message to her.

"Lamech, she... She's likely looking for answers too," Alair said and there was a slight tone of guilt in his voice.

"What do you mean?" I asked and pulled my eyes from the phone.

"She heard what we said. About Lolek. She was listening from one of the rooftops."

My mind went blank for a moment before I stalked over to him, clenched my fist and hit him. Breaking his nose.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I snarled.

"She was hiding. I assumed she didn't want you to know she was there and I decided to respect that," he said calmly while fixing his nose back into position.

"Then where would she be now?" I growled and looked from one to the other of them and then around the room and knew the answer before Olivier spoke.

"The Library. She would probably have gone to the Library to find answers."

"How long would it take us to get there?" I asked, getting ready to leave, but Olivier shook his head.

"Too long most likely. Even if you run as fast as you can, it would take you at least three hours. The probability that she would have left and returned to London before you got there is very high."

I started pacing again. I was agitated and desperate. I just needed to hear her voice. Know that she was alright. That she kept away from the coven and especially didn't do anything impulsive.

"Find out her address," I told Alair, coming to some sort of decision at least. The best option I had was to go to her home and hope she was there or that she would return before doing something rash.

 The best option I had was to go to her home and hope she was there or that she would return before doing something rash

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