Chapter 21 Lie after lie

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It was the early hours of the morning and I was seated on the bed in Crimson's room. She was sound asleep and it was the third day in a row that I watched her. The first day I had planned to just check on her. Make sure that she seemed to be doing alright. Or at least I had told myself as much.

I had spent two hours just watching her.

The next day I hadn't even tried to kid myself that I was only watching her out of concern. I wanted to see her and since I couldn't do it while she was awake because I knew my resolve to treat her poorly would waver, doing it while she was asleep was my only option.

Now on the third day, I knew I couldn't keep on doing that neither. I had lightly brushed her cheek and felt an impulse to lean down and kiss it. That was a line I knew I couldn't cross. It was already bad enough that I watched her while she was unaware, but anything more than that would be far too much.

But as it was the last time I would allow myself the luxury, I stayed there for as long as I could afford. Watched her beautiful and peaceful face as she slept, wondered about what she might be dreaming of. Hoped I was in them and that they were good, though knowing it was better if that wasn't the case.

I stayed until I noticed signs of that she was about to wake up. I bent down and gave her that one kiss on the cheek that I had been wanting to give her, before getting out from the room.

I went straight to my office and sunk onto the couch there with a deep sigh. It all really was too messed up.

A knock came on the door.

"Enter," I said while sitting up straight and reaching for the first book my hand landed on in the bookshelf to try to look busy.

Alair walked in and took a seat in one of the armchairs.

"How did the call with the wolves go?" he asked without any preamble.

"What?" I replyed momentarily having forgotten about all else except Crimson.

"The wolves? Weren't you going to call them last night?"

I felt the blood in me drain from my face as my mind caught up with what he was saying. I had completely forgotten about it and that was bad.

For the past four hundred years I had worked hard on building a good relationship with the nearby pack of wolf-shifters. It had gone from them being hostile, to being cautious, to forced politeness, and now genuine politeness and liking to the point that they had come to us for help. I had been scheduled to call and talk about an upcoming visit from them the previous evening, but I had forgotten about it.

It really was bad. We were so many that had worked so hard on this for so long. One such blunder from my side, wouldn't change anything. But I couldn't let such a thing become a habit, because then it would.

It was yet another sign of that I needed to find a way to think less about Crimson.

"They didn't pick up," I answered swiftly and hoped that Alair wouldn't see through the lie, though knowing that he likely did but hopefully would be tactful enough to not press the matter. "I'm planning on calling again as soon as the hour is respectful enough for a call."

Alair nodded and by the stiffness of it, I knew he was well aware that I had just lied to him. But as I had hoped, he didn't expose the lie. Instead he moved onto a topic I also much rather preferred to not speak of.

"How's it going with the witch? What is your plan for her?"

I folded the book I had pretended to read and placed it on the table to earn myself a moment before answering.

"I'll keep her here until I'm certain we won't be in danger if she's let out," I said. A vague and bad answer, but the only one I could come up with. I still hadn't told anyone that I was Crimson's mate and I wasn't planning to. My hope was still that she would reject me and I would accept it. Then she would be on her way and with time everyone else would forget she'd even been here. I didn't need them to know our relationship. Didn't need them coming with their opinions nor see their pity when she finally left.

"And for how long might that be?"

"Hard to say."

Alair sighed and looked like he wanted to say more, but then didn't.

"You aren't one to keep your opinions to yourself," I pointed out. "Tell me what's on your mind."

He looked down at the book I had placed on the table before looking back up at me with determination.

"We do not keep people against their will unless they are a direct threat to us."

I remained calm and scoffed at his words. "She hasn't tried teleporting out of here as far as I'm aware. She hasn't even tried to leave the room on her own. So I'm not sure by what definition she's being kept against her will."

Alair rolled his eyes. "And does she see it that way? Will her coven agree with your reasoning? What coven is she from by the way?"

I shrugged and told another lie. "She hasn't told me so likely a rouge."

"Well, that's something at least. No coven that'll potentially come and avenge her."

He got up, apparently done with all the talking he had planned. But before he left he gave me an amused smile and looked back down at the book again before speaking.

"I'll let you get back to reading Eros and the tricks we can learn. Just don't forget to call the wolves in an hour or so."

And with that he left and the blood that had previously drained from my face, rushed to my cheeks.

And with that he left and the blood that had previously drained from my face, rushed to my cheeks

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