Chapter 67 Home again

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Cassie insisted that I stayed for three days and I didn't put up much of a fight. It was nice to be surrounded by people, it helped taking my mind off all that had happened. Of course, when I left, I would go straight home and Saida would be there. But she didn't know what had happened and she would ask. So having three days of calmness before having to relive it all, was amazing.

The doctor came to take off my bandages after one day. She examined me thoroughly also, though there wasn't really anything to examine. The wounds had all turned to scars.

"This is incredible," she mumbled as she looked me over. "Are you sure that you're just a witch?"

"Of course I am!" I answered and felt annoyed at the question as it reminded me of how many things there now seemed to be about me that wasn't like a witch should be. For instance, I hadn't felt hungry even once since waking up. Instead, I constantly felt thirsty but nothing helped against that.

"It truly is incredible then. You heal even faster than shifters," she continued, shaking her head.

I did my best to not place any importance on what she said. There had to be a reasonable explanation for it after all. Sure, witches generally healed at the same pace as humans, compared to shifters that healed much quicker. But this was all magic, so anything was possible anyway. Maybe my great, great, great grandma or something had been a shifter so that the super-healing remained but the other shifter abilities didn't.

But there were uncomfortably many things that made me stand out as a witch.

The extra strength, speed, and senses I had gotten used to, but I did notice that they seemed to have grown even stronger. I had been in too much pain to manage to fall asleep, but I had realized that I didn't need it anymore. I wasn't hungry, but constantly thirsty though I couldn't do anything about it. And to top it off there was the speedy healing.

But it was all too much for me to think about and make reason out of, so I pushed it aside as much as I could.

As I left both Cassie and Darren were there to say goodbye to me.

"Remember that you're always welcome here. It's just for you to show up," Cassie said and hugged me.

"Thank you. And I will have to come when the detectors are done if nothing else. So it won't be too long," I answered and both she and Darren looked startled.

"You really don't have to worry about that," Darren said quickly. "After the latest attack..."

"I want to make them," I answered, stopping his protest. "So please let me."

He nodded slowly. "Alright. Then thank you in advance and we'll look forward to your next visit."

I smiled at them, then closed my eyes and teleported myself home.

There was immediately the sound of glass breaking, a shriek and then I was hit by a hug.

"Oh my Goddess, Crimson! Where the hell have you been?" Saida exclaimed and I could hear how she had already started to cry.

I returned her hug and patted her on the back. "I'm so sorry for having made you worried."

"Just promise you won't leave like that ever again! Okay?"

"I promise."

It took some time to calm her and it felt quite refreshing. As nice as it had been to stay with the wolves, they had all been focused on me and my well-being. So having someone else in focus for a bit felt good.

The Five Cursed Witches: Volume 2 - Crimson, the Witch of NightWhere stories live. Discover now