unexpected twists

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[Grab a fluffy blanket and make yourself comfy because ...it's story time!!! >.<]

Hoseok's pov:

Yoongi and I discussed further about the things we just discovered in the videos. We noticed how perfectly videos were captured, it doesn't even look like security camera recordings so we assumed that jungkook might have asked someone to takee their special moment's videos.

"Alright, hoseok. I think this is enough for today because now, I'm getting sleepy so...you go talk to tae and I'm going to sleep." Yoongi yawned and vacated the room as I took off to tae.

He must be feeling really alone. I'm glad that I and yoongi listened to namjoon and agreed to come here.

I was aware of jungkook owning this island but this place never clicked in my mind when we targeted.

I entered Tae's room and watched him sitting over the window seat. He was watching clouds passing by as a beautiful smile decorated his lips.

"Hey, tae. Getting bored?" I took a seat beside him as he smiled gracefully.

"Hyung, I was indeed getting bored but I wanted to ask you something."

"Go on." I gave 'go' signal.

"Why jungkook left all of sudden? I heard him talking to someone over the call and if I'm not wrong then someone is in hospital, someone close to him. Right?" He spoke fidgeting with the end of his shirt- ...oh wait that's jungkook's shirt.

I debated whether to answer or just leave it but then there's nothing to hide from tae and it's not like he's going to use any information against us so I answered him.

"Yes, tae. Jungkook's father got admitted into the hospital last night." 

"Oh my god! Hyung, is his father okay now? How did this happen?" He gasped shockingly as I discerned nothing but concern in his eyes.

"Yeah, we took him to the hospital immediately so he is out of danger now. He got attacked by our rival group called 'black mamba'."

"So that's why jungkook looked panicked and scared." Taehyung reckoned as I nodded in reply.

"Yeah, after all his father is the only family he had left." 

"Hyung, can you tell me about his mother. I tried to ask him about his mother but he behaved really strange so I just avoided the question." Taehyung pondered, slightly hesitant while asking.

"That's a long story tae but if you really want to know, then I'm ready to tell." I exhaled reacting.

"Yes, Hyung I really want to know everything about him, his family and his past and all the other things." I laughed noticing the sparkle in his eyes.

He really is a curious kid.

"Okay, then where do I start from?" I tapped on my chin trying to figure out where to begin.

"Hyung~ just from anywhere. I'll ask you in middle to help you remember." Tae grumbled. 

"First of all let me start from jungkook's father. Mr.jeon. he is a very kind-hearted and warm person. He adopted me, yoongi, and namjoon at different ages. He took care of us all just like his own son. Jungkook was really warm and bright back then unlike now but let's not talk about him right now." 

"Okay, then what about Mrs.jeon. how was she?" Taehyung questioned out of curiosity.

"I personally don't know anything about Mrs.jeon because when we got adopted she wasn't there with us, but our oldest nanny and maid of the house told us everything about her when we grew up."

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