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Hola hoomans ❤️ I'm back!!! My exams went very well. Now I'll try to regularly update so keep supporting. 

Next day at Kim household (9:47 A.M.)

Hyunji's pov:

It's almost been an hour since all this investigation is going on. Yes, four police officers came this morning to investigate and ask us some questions. 

Right now, two officers are checking Tae's room and the other two are asking questions to me and jin Hyung, Jimin already left for school after answering the necessary questions. 

"So taehyung doesn't have any friends besides you?" Officer asked.

"Yes, officer. And he also doesn't interact with anyone in university. He only hangs out with me."

"Okay. We will start the searching and further investigation. if we find anything we will immediately inform you." Officer said looking at me and jin Hyung 

"Thank you, officer." Jin Hyung thanked. 

"Okay, now give me both of your addresses, and Mr.Kim I want your both jobs address along with your brother's school." Officer required.

Jin Hyung was giving them the address while two other officers came downstairs holding few items. 

"Sir, we didn't found anything suspicious." Another officer informed.

"Any fingerprints?"

"No sir, everything is clear." 

The senior officer hummed in response before speaking.

"It's okay. We will come again if it's needed." 

Jin Hyung nodded in response. They all left and we both breathed out.

"Hyung, don't worry police will surely find tae." I consoled.

"I hope hyunji. Because my heart is telling me that taehyung is in some big trouble." Jin Hyung concerned getting anxious.

"Jin Hyung, it's just your mother's instincts towards your brother's." I reasoned squeezing both of jin hyung's shoulders.

"Maybe." I nodded in response and dragged hyung to the kitchen.

"Let's eat something Hyung. You didn't have your breakfast and lunch so no excuses like 'i have no appetite' or 'I'm not hungry'. " I imitated the last part in jin hyung's voice.

"Okay okay, my lady gangster." Jin Hyung chuckled at my behavior pinching my both cheeks. 

We both cooked the lunch together and ate it with small comfortable talks. I was being cautious not to bring any topic related to tae or jin Hyung will definitely leave the food half. 

We were talking about jin hyung's job when my phone dings.

I looked at the phone screen and there was a message from Hoseok. It must be about today's meeting but I decided to answer it later as jin Hyung will get angry if I used the phone while eating.

A few minutes later when we both were done eating I texted him back. 


Hey, sorry for the late reply And about our meeting umm... how about the same place at 12:30.


It's okay ^_^ and yeah 12:30 will be good. I'll be there waiting for you. 


Okay! See you later. 




Deadly Obsession | Taekook✅Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum