gut feeling

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Next morning:

Taehyung's pov:

I opened my eyes with so much difficulty as it feels like someone had stuck them up together with glue. I blinked few times adjusting my Iris to the morning sunlight. 

The first thing I saw after opening my eyes were someone's bare chest. I flickered my eyelashes again to take in the surroundings, then sudden glimpse of flashback made me move abruptly over the matress, only to scream in pain.

"AHHHH!!!" I cried out feeling agonizing pain shooting in my back and lower part.

The figure beside me sat up immediately after listening to my ear-bleeding scream. That's when I noticed it was the devil with whom I was sleeping peacefully last night, or should I say 'cuddling'.

I saw him rubbing his eyes before landinggng his gaze on me.

"What happened petal? Why are you screaming ?" He asked in his sexy morning voice.

I scolded myself internally for calling him sexy. He shook me gently by my shoulder dragging me back to reality. 

"Huh? Nothing... It's just the pain in my back...umm it's hurting too much." I answered still holding my back as it feels like I've broken some of my bones down there and don't even ask about my ass because I can't even feel if it's still there or I just have upper body left. He is a monster, a pure beast in the bed. He literally broke me last night. 

"Sorry babe, I couldn't control myself last night but don't worry I've already ordered maid to bring painkillers and ointment." He ensured rubbing my back and I glared at him shooting arrows.

Suddenly I remembered the most important thing at the mention of medicines. 

"Umm... Tell her to bring contraceptives too." I reminded avoiding his gaze.

"Why? Don't you want to carry my baby, petal? " He questioned with playfulness and I looked at him in fear.

"Okay... Okay, don't be a scared babe. I'm not gonna force you into unwanted pregnancies... Not for now." He assured but I couldn't hear the last part as he whispered it. 

I nodded looking at him with appreciative eyes. At least he wasn't forcing me to have his baby.

"Don't look at me like that or I'll fuck you again." He let out and I averted my gaze instantly not wanting to cause any more trouble for my numb ass.

"Come... I'll bath you because I'm sure that you won't be able to walk on your own." He spoke with such a proud look which made me want to punch him so bad. 

But he is not wrong I can barely move by myself so walking is currently impossible task for me to do even if the bathroom is just a few steps away. I'm confident that I won't be able to even make it out of this bed. 

"let's get you to the bathroom, babe." He said and I let him carry me inside the bathroom.

After entering the bathroom he locked the door and took a sit on the edge of the tub while settling me gently on his lap. I'm glad that he didn't make me sit or lay on any hard surface because that would be so painful. 

"Babe, I'm gonna remove your clothes okay?" He informed and I nodded agreeing as I didn't have a choice.

He removed the hoodie carefully then discarded my boxers. I wasn't feeling uncomfortable or embarrassed like last time because just like he said he had seen me naked so many times before so why feel shy. I guess my brain took his words too seriously.

"Princess, check the water temperature. Is it okay?" He asked me pointing behind at the water-filled bathtub with the smell of my favorite bath bomb flavor.

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