As she chewed, she couldn't help but wonder if there was any connection between this place and the one she had left behind. She hoped not, because if there was, then she didn't know what she'd do.

And then, a chilling thought occurred to her, what if she really did have powers? What if the sorcerer had been telling the truth all along? How would she leave this place?

The thought sent a shiver down her spine, and she quickly pushed it aside. No, she was just a normal girl, taken from her home and held against her will. That was all. There was no need to dwell on such fantastical notions.

After she ate, she couldn't help but get mad at herself. She couldn't stand her clothes and her wretched state. While there was a choice to change her clothes, Regan didn't want to do that. She got pissed off at herself for thinking that in the midst of the chaos that she was. Was she planning or doing anything to escape after all?

Another reason why she didn't want to care for herself and change her clothes, was that if the noxious sorcerer would happen to enter her room, he'd think that she had started getting used to that haunting place. And Regan didn't want to get used to anything. She only wanted to get back to her home and escape all this ridiculousness.

She leaned against the bed's frame, wrapping her hands around her knees, staring out of the window. There was a full moon showing and it made her gasp in awe. It was big and was light blue. It was very beautiful. She started singing randomly, trying to keep her voice low. She wouldn't want someone to hear her.

After a while, she went to the bathroom and passed some time playing with the things there. There were toothpastes, soaps and shampoos. The scent was alluring and made her forget about the world for a moment. There was a brush and she hated how bad her hair looked. She couldn't help herself but brush it, even though it needed a wash. At least it looked a bit better after she brushed it.

Then, the thought of changing her clothes and getting rid of the ones she was wearing, struck her. But she was still self conscious about it. She didn't want to give the noxious sorcerer any satisfaction. So, she left the bathroom and lay on the bed, staring through the window. The moonlight illuminated the room, casting long shadows across the floor.

The wardrobe taunted her again. She stood up and opened it, searching through. That time she found a long mermaid dress. It was like the color of her eyes, the top part was strapless, heart shaped. The bottom part had a ruffled split.

She put it in again and then found a pink skirt. It was tight at first, then layered down, spreading in transparent peacock-like pink feathers. The waistline was small, fitting her. She sighed and moved on to the heels. There were a pair of red ones. They were platform, decorated with lace and chains. She tried them on and involuntarily smiled. They were so beautiful and made her look taller. She didn't know why she was so obsessed with heels.

She removed them reluctantly and made sure that the clothes inside were folded. Because who knows? What if someone checked inside and found out that she's been looking at them?

Then, she lay again on the bed and wrapped herself with the blankets, thinking of a plan to escape. She remembered Sirius words about bringing a mentor. She hoped the mentor would be understanding and kind.

Maybe Regan could distract her or do something that would let her get out of the chamber at least. She eventually succumbed to exhaustion, drifting into a fitful sleep filled with dreams of escape and uncertainty.


The sunlight filtered through the castle windows, and Regan slowly woke up. The previous night's thoughts lingered in her mind as she heard a loud knock on the door. She knew who was behind that door. With a wary glance, she unlocked it to find the sorcerer escorted with a woman she hadn't seen before.

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