Epilogue: Little Saints, Little Angels, Little Demons

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Merry Chrysler and Chrismakwanzakuhhh, if you celebrate it, here's your present, if you don't, this is still your present.

I promised this epilogue like five years ago. Anyway, finally finished this special epilogue based on the genius suggestions and urging from @martins_words and @yourMysterioushuman and @Zer012312 like half a year ago. Sorry guys, took me long enough huh?

Anyway, this should be two chapters but fuck it, one long epilogue for you guys. Carry on little saints and give me a present too and drop me lots of comments pleaseeeeeeee <3


"He's back!"

"Who is back?" Lisa asked Ella curiously, trying to fix her hair. Jennie was much better at this but it wasn't for Lisa's lack of trying. Lisa had watched tutorial video after tutorial video, or watched Jennie do it while she tried to teach her but she just couldn't get it quite right like her wife did. It usually took her several tries before it got at least a decent look to it.

Lisa was getting Ella ready for school this time because Jennie had a very important case coming up so she'd been getting up earlier than usual and going to the office to prepare.

Lisa was incredibly proud of her wife so as soon as Jennie's firm had been tapped to handle such a landmark case after the last lawyers were fired, Lisa basically took all of her vacation time for the year all at once so she could take care of Ella full time so Jennie wouldn't have to worry about coordinating with her like they usually did.

Both of their jobs were very demanding but they'd had it down to a science, so much that they didn't even need babysitters. Unless you counted Ella's godmothers but that was mostly because they loved to take her and Ella loved to hangout with Sooin.

All of their friends had offered to help babysit while Jennie worked on the case too when they found out about it at their still regular weekly dinners, but Lisa figured this would be great bonding time with her daughter anyway.

Not that they really needed to, Ella and Lisa were very close already, but Lisa basically thought this was the perfect vacation. Especially after yesterday, they'd had a balloon fight in the backyard for hours and both of them had a blast.

Lisa would probably never get tired of playing with her daughter and for once she felt productive because Jennie's case could possibly overturn the law over the maximum amount of time of how long sexual abusers would get jail time once convicted.

The max sentence in South Korea was three years and the case basically fell into Jennie's lap because the victim taking it to the supreme court had heard about her story and decided Jennie was perfect for it because the last lawyers were very unsympathetic to their cause so she fired them and took it to Jennie instead.

Jennie could go to work with a peaceful mind knowing Ella was in good hands, and Lisa could have fun with her daughter and wreak a little havoc knowing that for once she wasn't stressing Jennie out by always turning into a seven year old while she took care of Ella because Jennie knew Ella missed her and Lisa's antics distracted her from the fact her mommy couldn't be around much these days.

"The baby! He's back." Ella said a bit sleepily, but very excitedly. She was trying to stay awake and still while her mama did her hair because unlike with her mommy Jennie, her mama Lisa struggled a lot with it and she was trying to be a good kid.

Usually when her mommy did her hair Ella could even be laying half asleep on the bed and it would still come out perfect but she knew her mama had a hard time so she was sitting in front of the vanity trying to sit up straight for her.

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