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You may all blame @pseudonym_millie for this update taking so long....She's responsible for distracting me so come for her, not me, k thanks.

Also I hope the fluff makes up for the longest hiatus of my life omg, I'm so sorry. Especially you ArianaCabeYo8


Jennie woke up to Lisa cuddling her as per usual. She turned around and nuzzled into her neck.

"I love you Lili" Jennie whispered into it.

Lisa unconsciously hugged her tighter even though she was still asleep.

"You make me feel safe." Jennie admitted.

Jennie tried not to smile as Lisa pulled her even closer.

"My hero." Jennie whispered again into her neck.

Lisa groaned, sort of waking up.

"Little saint? Are you awake? Did you say something?" Lisa said, her voice raspy from sleep, eyes still closed.

Jennie chose not to answer because sleepy Lisa was very cute.

"Hmm...okay. Im tripping, sorry love." Lisa started stroking Jennie's hair.

Jennie tried not to giggle.

"Wanna mrrry you." Lisa slurred.

Jennie's heart started racing.

"What did you just say?" Jennie asked squeakily.

Lisa started mumbling again.

"Want to marry my baby, leave me alone." Lisa let Jennie go, pushing her away as she turned around, giving Jennie her back and continued mumbling. "You're not my little saint. I won't ever cheat on you baby." Lisa finished sleepily.

Jennie's heart was almost bursting now.


"Don't. My baby calls me Lili, you're not allowed." Lisa rasped again, throwing a hand up in a go away motion.

Jennie giggled. "Lili it's me." She scooted forward to Lisa and started rubbing her back gently.

"Stop trying to seduce me impostor. I'm loyal to my little saint." Lisa said, scooting away from Jennie again. She was almost at the edge of the bed now.

Jennie giggled out loud this time.

"Wait, stop giggling. You sound like her, stop it." Lisa mumbled again. "I'll never be nice to you cus you're trying to be like my girl."

Jennie decided to finally mess with sleepy Lisa, scooting closer to her again and whispering in her ear.


"Stop it." Lisa said as she shoved Jennie off sleepily.

"You don't like me anymore?" Jennie teased.

"I only love my Nini. Leave me alone before she murders you."

Jennie couldn't stop the giggles now, laughing out loud and sitting up on the bed.

"You think I'll murder someone?" Jennie asked, mirth in her voice, raising her eyebrow at Lisa's back.

"Of course little saint."

"Oh so I am your little saint? I'm going to tell her you said that to me now." Jennie continued. "I guess you say it to all the girls."

Lisa suddenly woke up. Eyes shooting open and stirring after that comment.

"Only my little saint is my little saint who the fuck are—" Lisa started saying as she turned around.

Little SaintМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя