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Issa a sort of double!


Mrs. Park showed footage after footage of Director Yang sneaking into Jennie's room as she called him to the stand.

"Do you mind telling me why a fifty two year old frequented a seventeen year old's room after hours this often?"

He smirked towards Jennie, who was doing her best to avoid looking in his direction and it made Lisa's blood boil.

"Her father, my boss and the owner of my facilities asked me to take special care of her." Director Yang answered.

Lisa dug her nails into her chair as he heard his mocking answer. He was practically admitting it, with no remorse.

"And how exactly, did you take care of her Dr. Yang, by raping her every night?" Mrs. Park asked inquisitively. Lisa didn't know what strength Mrs. Park possessed to be able to ask that without punching him.

He shook his head and smiled, Lisa wanted to slap the fuck out of him.

"I went out of my way to give her extra therapy sessions every night." Director Yang answered. "I felt it was my obligation to help her get through her troubles considering she's my boss' only daughter. She's precious to him you see."

Lisa almost shouted because precious was the last thing Jennie's father thought of Jennie. She looked to Pastor Kim who was nodding along solemnly, as if he was actually some concerned father. Lisa started thinking it might have been a bad idea for her to come to the trial after all because she was half a second away from knocking the lights out of both of them.

"What did this therapy consist of Dr. Yang?" Mrs. Park continued.

Lisa hated how smug he looked, like he knew there was no way they would convict him. He looked to the jury before answering.

"Miss Kim is a troubled girl. Her father was concerned that she was going on the wrong...path. The path of evil." He smirked again. "She got pregnant by a delinquent at seventeen, which was against the lifelong beliefs her parents had raised her with. She then began associating with other homosexuals and exhibited the same behavior herself and I was asked to set her straight."

"What did you do in your sessions Dr. Yang?" Mrs. Park asked more forcefully.


"Dr. Yang, answer the question, in detail."

"I used Christian Counseling and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy of course." Director Yang finally answered.

"How so?"

"This might bore the jury."

"Answer the question Dr. Yang." Mrs. Park raised her voice again.

"You can read my methods in the paper I published. CBT is a form of psychotherapy based on the idea that the way someone thinks and feels affects the way he or she behaves. I used Christian Counseling based on our Holy Bible to battle Miss Kim's negative sinful behaviors such as having intercourse before marriage and engaging in homosexual activity."

"How did you go about that Dr. Yang?"

"I made a treatment plan based on our end goal and we talked it through. Miss Kim wasn't very cooperative, so I had to visit often."

"You just talked?"

"Of course, what else would I be doing as her primary therapist."

"How many people are employed by you that are licensed doctors Dr. Yang?" Mrs. Park asked.

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