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This was supposed to be the last chapter but then I made it too long so now I have another chapter left and an epilogue in mind and AAAAAAGHHH why am I like this?

Anyways, carry on little saints.

Next update coming in less than thirty minutes hopefully, also, I will be replying to your sweet messages soon, just wanted to give you an update first


Lisa had never felt so nervous in her life. She'd spent the morning getting ready with her bridesmaids, or groomswomen?

There wasn't really a correct word for them technically because Lisa was absolutely going to be the 'husband' of the relationship, if they went with societal norms, but she also identified as a girl and so did the girls in her bridal party despite having masculine traits like her too and she did have two groomsmen, or bridesmen? as well and anyway, Lisa just needed to stop rambling in her head as she paced.

But then again maybe she didn't because she was So. Fucking. Nervous. So maybe it was good that she was thinking about things like that in her head and wondering if she should just call them the fruitcake federation or make up a word for the girls and boys who were standing up in the wedding for her so it could distract her from the fact her own literal wedding to the best fucking person in the world was going to happen in twenty fucking minutes and she felt like she might faint whenever she finally saw her.

Lisa's hands shook as she tried to tie her dark black and purple floral bow tie. She had barely managed to put on her suspenders earlier because of those same nerves, she spent minutes trying to mess with the clip on her slacks.

Chaeyoung walked up to her, noticing that at this rate, Lisa would take an hour to do it and they really didn't have the time for that.

"I got you Lis." Chaeyoung whispered gently, taking away Lisa's shaking hands by the wrists, gently pulling them away, that had been very unsuccessfully trying to tie it.

Chaeyoung began tying her bow tie for her as Lisa tried to stay still. Also very unsuccessfully because she kept shifting unconsciously as she kept freaking out about her vows and how she looked and about possibly fainting when she saw Jennie in her wedding dress because all of her friends had told her it was perfect and that Jennie looked gorgeous in it, not that Lisa would ever doubt it because Jennie was always gorgeous but she would be wearing a goddamn wedding dress that Jennie had picked out just to marry Lisa and the thought was making her lose her breath.

Lisa was so grateful she had picked Chaeyoung to be her best woman as she did her bow tie. Chaeyoung had been a godsend. She had helped her pick her suit when they had gone wedding shopping for it while Jennie went to get her wedding dress and had listened to Lisa's many vows for Jennie and given her input when Lisa asked about anything in them. Lisa didn't know how she could have done it without her, not to mention the bachelorette party she had thrown for them.

"Rosie?" Lisa asked shakily.

"Hmm?" Chaeyoung hummed as she finished tying Lisa's bow tie and then reached for the ruby red tailored suit jacket so she could help Lisa put that on too.

Chaeyoung giggled internally at the fact Lisa had surprisingly been able to button up her light pink dress shirt all on her own with how nervous she clearly was. It had still taken her a solid twelve minutes though, which is why Chaeyoung had even come into the room to check on her in the first place while she was changing.

"What if she changes her mind?" Lisa asked in worry.

Chaeyoung smiled as she straightened Lisa's bow tie again once she was done helping her shrug the jacket on.

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