Epilogue: Pt. 1

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This was supposed to be a one part epilogue that turned into a three chapter epilogue so why the fuck did I end this story when I know myself!

Quick note, the epilogue will probably give Is it Fate vibes if you guys have happened to read it, but I just had to cus idk, there are some things that are inevitable and this is Jenlisa in any universe to me for some aspects so hopefully you like it and don't feel like it's redundant lol.

Also, @ms2469 idk if this is the lovey dovey angst you wanted for the epilogues but its what you got haha. Hope its good.


"Hey Chitthip." Jennie talked to her like she usually did when she came to visit as she laid flowers on her grave.

Lisa always visited too, she never missed a day to visit her on her birthdays and the anniversary of her death or when she was really missing her, but now that they had moved to Seoul it was a lot harder for them to see her.

Thanks to the nature of Jennie's profession, she got to come a lot more than Lisa. Jennie got to choose what cases she took, Lisa didn't really get to choose where she was sent off to so Jennie always tried to honor her when she could make it to their hometown, for Lisa's sake, and for her own too because she was still so grateful to her for giving her Lisa, despite never getting to meet her.

"Guess what your awesome daughter just did?" Jennie said smiling, feeling incredibly proud of Lisa, even more than she already normally was, which was saying a lot because she was always so proud of everything her wife had accomplished, as she arranged the flowers around her mother-in-law's grave. "I'm sure you watched, like you watched when she finally graduated from high school and then from the academy."

Jennie shook her head as she thought about that time in their lives, rolling her eyes at herself because right before those things had happened, before Lisa had graduated high school was when they'd had their first really major fight, even worse than when Lisa had beat up Hyun-Suk or when she tried to put a hit on him in prison and risked herself going to jail again, and more fights just kept happening and they got progressively worse.

It had been a really tough time for them because they alternated between being in their honeymoon stage and then fighting, probably because they were still in their honeymoon stage and they couldn't bear to be apart so their fights just kept being fueled by that need to stay together.

They were very frequent and they always revolved around the same issue. They loved each other a lot of course, too much probably— considering that was the whole reason their fights had even started—so they would always make it up to each other quickly once they both calmed down, or still show their love for each other despite being angry.

That time period though, had been the first time they had disagreed so much with each other that even their friends got an earful as they ranted to them about it, trying to get them to give their opinion and make them see that they were right and take their side so that they could help convince the other person to just listen to them and do what they say.

Chaeyoung spent way too many evenings trying to get Lisa to see Jennie's point of view, and then trying to get Jennie to see Lisa's point of view, though she didn't really know what the right answer was because she and Jisoo were going through the same struggle at the moment.

It kind of helped her though, because trying to help them see both points of view helped her come to terms with what was going to happen with her and Jisoo.

It kind of helped Jisoo too, listening to Lisa rant to her while they boxed in her garage as Lisa took her frustrations out on the punching bag Jisoo would usually hold in place for her before she took her own turn.

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