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Lisa woke up still holding Jennie and for the first time in her life she didn't really want to run away. Jennie was warm. She was tucked into her neck and Lisa could feel her breaths. She looked peaceful. Jennie looked beautiful if she was being honest. Lisa almost traced her face with a finger but she almost jumped out of her skin instead because just as she was about to touch Jennie's face she heard a harsh knock on the door.

"Jennie! Why is this door locked? Open this door right now!"

Jennie woke up then.


Jennie had been so comfortable, having the best dream. Of course it couldn't have been real. She shot up as soon as she heard the screams.

"Hide under the bed Lisa. Please."

Lisa jumped off the bed and crawled under it.

Jennie opened the door and the first thing her mom did was slap her. Lisa almost crawled out again in anger when she heard the sound.

"What do you think you're doing locking this door?"

"I didn't mean to mom, it was an accident." It hadn't been of course, but she couldn't risk them finding Lisa here.

Her mother obviously didn't believe her because she slapped her again.

"If I find this door locked one more time I'll have your father get the belt."

Jennie shuddered at the thought. Sure her mother's slaps hurt, but they were nothing compared to when her father hit her with the belt. He hated getting his hands dirty, making her mother be the one to hit her usually but when he actually did it he was merciless. He even had a special belt reserved just for when he needed to discipline Jennie.

"It won't happen again ma'am."

"It better not." Her mother glared at her. "You have thirty minutes to get ready for school. If I hear you're even a minute late—"

"The belt. I know mom."

"Are you talking back to me young lady!" Her mother shrilled.

"No. No. I'm sorry. I just—I was just letting you know that I know the consequences."

"You're not allowed to go anywhere after school for two weeks for that."


"Do you want to make it a month?"

"No." Jennie said dejectedly. Shutting up immediately. Upset she wouldn't be able to hang out at Rosie's for two weeks. It was her only solace.

Jennie apologized to her mother one more time before she walked away.


Lisa had almost run out and punched Jennie's mother in the face when she heard her slap Jennie again. She barely contained herself enough and it was only because she knew she would just make the situation worse for Jennie. Lisa really couldn't understand how she could hit her like that, and what was it about this belt thing. Lisa didn't like it at all. It sounded way too much like they liked to hurt Jennie.

Lisa heard the door click shut.

"You can come out now."

Lisa came out from under the bed as soon as she heard Jennie's voice, running to check on Jennie.

"Are you okay?" Lisa checked Jennie's face, frowning when she noticed one side of it was red. "She hurt you. Does she always hurt you?"

Jennie looked down in shame. She couldn't believe Lisa witnessed that. She should have known better than to ask Lisa to stay over. Now Lisa knew about her parents hitting her. She'd hid it from her friends this whole time and it only took Lisa staying over twice to find out about it.

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