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Jisoo decided to hire Jennie a stripper during Lisa and Jennie's joint bachelorette party. Just to fuck with Lisa a bit—she still wasn't over the her almost kissing Chaeyoung thing. She probably never would be.

Even though Lisa was also one of her closest friends now, she figured it was only fair. She still felt the need to punish her at least a little bit, a little jealousy is the least she thought Lisa deserved for even thinking about touching her chipmunk's lips, especially considering she was already messing around with her sweet best friend at the time.

Despite the fact Jisoo had finally accepted that Lisa wouldn't have actually done it, it still boiled her blood a little that Lisa had considered it for even a second just because she couldn't accept her own feelings for Jennie and wanted to be in denial about being whipped for her already even before they started dating.

Jisoo still checked with Jessi first before hiring the stripper though. Just in case. Just to make sure she wouldn't trigger Jennie's trauma with something like that. Though apparently, according to Jessi, Jennie had been doing really well now.

Jisoo had thought Jennie was better too but figured that it never hurt to check with her therapist. Jessi obviously hadn't disclosed anything they talked about in their private sessions but she told Jisoo that her idea might even be good for Jennie. So she could see for herself that she was so much better now and could handle things of a sexual nature, even with strangers, without feeling triggered, like Jennie had finally started to think.

Especially since Jessi knew from their still very regular therapy sessions that she had with Jennie that Lisa was probably even more careful than Jennie was so they still hadn't been intimate again, not since that one time Lisa went down on her. Lisa had still refused to let Jennie see her down there, or to let Jennie make love to her too because Lisa was too afraid to make her panic if Jennie saw it or had to reciprocate.

Lisa couldn't force herself to believe Jennie was finally getting through her awful past enough to allow herself to do much more than kiss her, because despite witnessing herself that Jennie was so much better now, Jennie still had occasional nightmares.

They were inevitable sometimes, Jessi had warned Jennie that her subconscious would probably never let the trauma go fully and that they would sometimes happen, probably for the rest of her life because unlike some trauma responses that forced the victim to black the trauma out and make them dissociate all of the time, the other side of that coin was their brain sending vivid images to them over it and Jennie had clearly had that specific response from the get go.

So Lisa still refrained from doing anything even remotely sexual with Jennie, especially if it involved Lisa getting naked because she was afraid Jennie would just get the nightmares more often.

Jessi figured this might help Lisa get through her own trauma of knowing what her fiancée had gone through if she got jealous enough, and maybe help get through her guilt of feeling like it had been her own fault for Jennie to go through that just because Lisa had wanted to be with her and had been unable to stay away from her. Hopefully Lisa would feel okay about being intimate with Jennie again if she felt threatened enough.

Jennie was finally comfortable enough with Jessi to be brutally honest and admit even intimate things like that to her and she had told Jessi long ago that Jennie had thought she was ready to try being intimate with Lisa again. 

Jennie thought she had been ready for a while now but Lisa couldn't do it, she'd always resist and make some random excuse to stop what they were doing before it got too far for Lisa to be able to stop her own overwhelming craving for Jennie and cross a line.

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