Mini Epilogue-Chaesoo

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As usual, this wasn't the epilogue I had planned lol. So that will be coming. 😏 Hopefully soon, don't quote me on that though. I get distracted easily.

martins_words, since I don't want you sobbing for the next month because I'm ending this story soon, wrote this in just for you and Jaywhypeecaneatshit, SophiaAmobi, and httpmyoui because suddenly I remembered how you guys asked for details about certain activities and I forgot to give them to you, so here they are. Maybe you'll like them, maybe not. haha.

Warning for you other guys, if you get traumatized by our church girl not acting like a church girl, then I suggest you skip this one lol cus they finna get a little wild.

Also, I'm sorry but, Rosie Posie might pray a lot, but she also did the WAP challenge and idk in my head she's a lady in the streets but a freak in the sheets lol which I'm pretty sure is okay with the Goddess above and the chipmunk probably knows that hahaha.

Okay anyways, carry on little church girls.


Chaeyoung loved love. Like really loved love. Any kind of love. Fluffy love or sexy love or sexy times. She felt super bad that she left their best friend's wedding but all of the romance and the love in the air just made her crave Jisoo to no end so she needed love right now. That kind of love. She needed it so much that she was selfish for once and left their friend's reception early.

She grabbed Jisoo's wrist and whispered to her after she saw those heart shaped lips smile and laugh that deep raspy laugh at something someone had said, looking way too gorgeous as usual and sounding way too good for Chaeyoung to be able to resist her.

Chaeyoung didn't even know who had made her laugh or what they had even said to her because she was too mesmerized by her beautiful girlfriend and soon to be fiancée and she couldn't help but lean into her and ask before dragging her away.

"Kim Jisoo, I need you, right now. Will you come with me? We can come back later."

Jisoo's heart hammered in her chest in anticipation because she didn't miss the way Chaeyoung rasped the 'I need you' and she knew what that meant. She nodded quickly and completely ignored who they had been talking to as she happily let herself be led out by her chipmunk.

Thankfully, The reception was at a hotel so they really didn't need to wait long. Chaeyoung took them to the concierge to get a room but before she could even pay for it Jisoo already had her card out, beating her to it because she was too excited. She had wanted to get a room for them beforehand but she didn't want to assume anything would happen tonight so she hadn't.

They impatiently waited as the elevator took them up to it.

Jisoo could hardly contain her excitement because she loved when her girlfriend got like this. She hadn't missed the lust in her eyes and the way Chaeyoung was holding her hand so hard just meant she wanted Jisoo to get a little wild with her. It meant she was going to let Jisoo do certain activities that they had talked about once and now they did often.

Jisoo had mentioned it once, off handedly. They had finally started getting intimate after getting together and realizing they really had lost it to each other already, so Jisoo jokingly said she'd love to try it.

She had meant it as a joke, sort of. She really had wanted to try it but she hadn't been asking seriously because she didn't think Chaeyoung would be into anything like that, but Chaeyoung responded that she'd definitely let Jisoo do it to her, if Jisoo really wanted to.

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