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It had been a month since Lisa had offered to sleep with her and Jennie had heard too many stories of all the girls she had bedded since then.

It made Jennie's heart clench.

They were on a school trip and Jennie was kind of a nerd so she was actually paying attention to the teacher as they told them everything about the museum pieces they were looking at.

Jennie didn't even see Miki next to her. She started walking and Miki tripped her. Jennie would have fallen to the ground if it wasn't for strong arms catching her.

She immediately got red again when she noticed it was Lisa.

"Be careful little saint."

Jennie blushed again.

"You're kind of cute when you do that." Lisa commented, poking her cheek. Then she left her. Jennie was left a blushing mess.

Jennie watched Lisa flirt with a pretty older woman that worked at the museum thirty minutes later. She kind of wanted to cry when she saw Lisa hand her phone to her and got her number.

Lisa caught her staring.

Jennie quickly looked away, rushing to catch up to the rest of the group. Jennie tried to avoid Lisa as much as possible then. Thankfully, they were in different classes so they didn't have to interact as much. They didn't really get grouped together.

Jennie made sure to get in the bus that Lisa didn't get on for the trip back home. She thought she had avoided her enough but Lisa caught Jennie in the parking lot when they were finally done with their trip.

"Little saint."

Jennie didn't really feel like stopping but she couldn't be rude so she turned around.

"Yes Lisa?"

Lisa stopped in front of her, catching her breath from where she ran.

"Sleep with me."

Jennie got red again.

"I can't do that Lisa, I told you."

"You have to though. You're breaking my heart. It's killing my game. I saw you looking earlier and now I feel bad calling the hot chick from the museum and I have needs you know. Sleep with me."

Jennie couldn't look at her in the eyes.

"I'm sorry I did that, I'll try not to look anymore. I didn't mean to. You can do whatever you want though Lisa. It's none of my business."

"I know I can, but just let me help you get over me little saint. Sleep with me once. I swear it'll help. You won't ever think of me again after that. It's just lust that you're feeling. It'll go away once you sleep with me."

Lisa didn't know why she was so adamant about this. She didn't know why she was always so much nicer to Jennie than anyone else. She tended to be a little cruel. She didn't have friends really, only Seulgi and Ryujin and that was just because all three of them were the biggest players in school and they had a standing bet on who could sleep with the most women before graduating. Lisa was winning by far.

Yet here she was, caring about how sad Jennie had looked when she saw her with that girl. Lisa didn't understand why she cared. She'd pissed off plenty of girls because she really didn't care about their feelings much past getting them off. She might be an asshole, but not that kind. She made sure they all felt good too when they fucked. Lisa would be damned if she was the only one who got off. She was determined not to be grouped with other men. She might have a dick, but she was still a girl and she at least cared about reciprocating during sex.

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