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For you ArianaCabeYo8

Got another request and it was pretty good so fuck it. I wrote it. Still shy about it though 🙈


Jennie got shoved into a locker again and she was really fucking over it. She wanted to punch them but her father was the minister of the biggest church in town and if she ever got into any kind of trouble her family would disown her. Or worse. Probably worse. He was a strict and rigid man. Jennie was grounded for a month for getting a B in class once. If you could even call it grounding, because Jennie didn't really get to go anywhere except Rosie's house or school activities anyway. Jennie was a little ashamed about how afraid of him she was so she just put up with it.

In another life Jennie might have been feistier. She had it in her. She always had the perfectly curated insults in her head to shout at them but she held back. She couldn't be caught cussing or shouting or fighting back after all. What would people think? Her mother would always say. You have to act like a lady. You have our reputation to protect. You're not a heathen so act like it. Jennie had been slapped more than once for her smart mouth.

Jennie couldn't really fight back. She wasn't allowed to so she let herself be shoved again. Hoping the girl would get bored and leave her soon.

"Did you take a vow of silence, nun? I asked you a question." The cheerleader spat.

Jennie didn't answer. She was just baiting her. She sighed and started picking up the books she dropped when the head cheerleader shoved her. She really couldn't even understand why they hated her so much. So what, her parents were ridiculously religious. She kind of hated them for it too but it's not like Jennie was out here causing people an inconvenience just by existing.

"Hey, Virgin Mary, are you really not going to answer me?" The cheerleader threatened.

"What's going on here?"

They were interrupted by a new voice.

Jennie froze. She knew that voice. She was a little obsessed with the person that belonged to that voice. The whole school was.

The cheerleader turned around with a sweet smile.

"Hey Lisa."

"Miki." Lisa acknowledged. "What's going on here?"

Miki, the head cheerleader who had currently just been bullying Jennie switched her attitude so fast, suddenly acting as sweet as she could.

She picked up Jennie's books and gave them to her.

"Oh you know, this clumsy one, I was just trying to help." Miki answered.

Miki loved to pick on Jennie. She was the most notorious for it. Jennie never realized it was because of Lisa that the girl hated her. Miki had never seen Lisa be rude to Jennie even once and she was jealous because Lisa was rude to everyone.

Miki tried dragging a finger down Lisa's chest in an attempt to be seductive.

"Will you be at that party tonight? Thirsty Thursday at Jackson's?"


"I'll see you there then."

"You might." Lisa answered vaguely.

"I'll wear something nice for you."

"Better hurry up then." Lisa said, she was bored of her already and wanted her to leave.

Miki walked away, winking at Lisa.

Jennie thought Lisa would leave too but she walked up to her instead.

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