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Jennie had finally got back from her retreat late that Sunday so Lisa still couldn't see Jennie because it wasn't a school day and her dick really couldn't wait anymore. Lisa had tried to FaceTime Jennie that whole day but she hadn't answered the entire time so she finally texted her.

Why are you ignoring me little saint?

I can't answer right now Lisa.

Why? Are you doing some holy thing right now and you're not allowed to talk to heathens?

I'm in the car with my parents.

Are you coming back already?


When will you be here?

I think like an hour?

Ask your dad when exactly


Just ask.

He said an hour and a half

Jennie was so confused over the whole thing, Lisa didn't text her back after that. She curled up in the backseat with a book she was hiding from her parents. They didn't really approve of fantasy novels, saying it would give her the wrong idea. It was getting dark though and her father was driving and her mom wasn't paying attention so she pulled it out anyway and hid it behind the literature books they had given out at the retreat.


Lisa was pretty sure she might get murdered by Jennie's father if she got caught but the thought kind of excited her even more so she did it anyway. She kind of needed to see Jennie either way. She couldn't wait anymore.

She loved climbing trees when she was little so the climb was cake even though it was so high up. She climbed the big ass tree next to Jennie's house so she could get to the roof on their second story. Jennie's house was kind of huge. She almost got caught when she made it up.

Jennie's parents weren't dumb apparently and the window closest to the tree was their room, not Jennie's. Their roof was very steep and Lisa almost fell and broke something when she ducked too fast because Jennie's father had turned and almost saw Lisa outside of the window.

Lisa ducked down grasping the roof for a solid minute, trying not to slide down before she crawled to the other window.

She smiled when she saw her little saint through the window in some silky pyjamas. Pjs that had some very, very short shorts. She could almost see the underside of Jennie's butt.

Jennie was dancing around the room and presumably singing. Lisa was initially planning on tapping on the window to get her attention but Jennie kept twirling and singing and Lisa couldn't take her eyes off of her. She watched Jennie jump up high, diving up into her bed and bouncing up once from the weight of her falling. Lisa watched as she crawled up the bed then, burrowing herself under the covers and turning sideways as she played on her phone.

She was so goddamn cute.

Lisa sent a quick prayer to Jennie's God that the Kims didn't have some kind of security system installed before she did it. She opened the window and paused in case she needed to jump off of the roof and run before she got arrested for breaking in. No alarms so far. She breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe this God stuff was real after all. Maybe she should go to church so she could make requests like this and get them granted. She really needed to ask Jennie how it all worked.

Little SaintOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz