chapter 38: Buying Test Questions

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Because of his arrogance in his talents and early dropout from school, the original soul did not have many friends, only a handful. When Lin Ze saw Fang Shanyuan, he easily recognized him.

Fang Shanyuan’s background was similar to the original person’s, both being poor scholars from the village. They had been desk mates and classmates since their days in the private school, and their relationship had always been good.

Unlike other scholars who might have distanced themselves from the original person after his misfortune, Fang Shanyuan had always treated him with respect and had good manners. He was also genuinely knowledgeable and a person worth befriending.

So Lin Ze was a bit more patient, unlike with others where he would have just left.

“Brother Lin, they say that three days apart and one will be surprised at the changes. When I didn’t see your face earlier, I thought I had mistaken someone else for you…”

Fang Shanyuan was very happy to see Lin Ze and greeted him with a bow.

His words were not just polite, they were sincere. When he said “surprised at the changes,” he was not referring to Lin Ze’s appearance, but rather to his demeanor.

The previous “Lin Ze” had seemed gloomy and decadent due to various setbacks, but now he was radiant and confident. The same face gave a completely different impression because of the different soul behind it.

Lin Sangui and the others had set up the pretext with Chen Shuju, so they thought Lin Ze’s change in temperament was due to that. But for Fang Shanyuan, who was unaware of the situation, seeing Lin Ze today made him truly think he had mistaken him for someone else.

Although the face was the same, it made him hesitate to recognize him.

Knowing what Fang Shanyuan meant, Lin Ze quickly changed the subject, not wanting to dwell on the issue.

“Now that my mind is clear, my spirit is refreshed. I must have been a laughingstock before. I wonder, why did you stop me in such a hurry?”

At this point, Fang Shanyuan also remembered the urgent matter and did not have time for pleasantries.

“Oh, I almost forgot the main point in my excitement! Brother Lin, this matter is of great importance. Could we speak privately?”

Fang Shanyuan looked around nervously.

Seeing his anxious demeanor, Lin Ze nodded thoughtfully, found a place to park the ox cart, and took Zhang Xiu with him to the nearest teahouse, where they rented a private room.

Not knowing what important matter to discuss, even in the private room of the teahouse, Fang Shanyuan was still uneasy. He checked left and right several times to ensure that no one could eavesdrop before looking at Zhang Xiu, his expression hesitant.

“Brother Lin, do you think your husband can also avoid this talk?”

In this era, it was common sense for women and Gers to avoid listening men’s talk.

“No problem, my husband can know everything about our family affairs.”

Lin Ze immediately refused without hesitation. Treating his wife differently was absolutely unacceptable.

Zhang Xiu smiled shyly and obediently stood still. He was not from a wealthy family, so he did not mind being seen. He preferred Lin Ze’s approach over hiding in the backyard.

Fang Shanyuan was surprised by Lin Ze’s behavior, similar to his surprise at Li Guangcai’s actions before. Fang Shanyuan often went to town and was well-informed. While he had heard about some of Lin Ze’s changes, he did not expect such a drastic transformation. However, seeing Lin Ze selling goods and now caring for his husband, Fang Shanyuan found it less surprising. After all, everyone was different.

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