chapter 7: The truth of the unlucky events

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Although Zhang Xiu was thin with no ounce of flesh on his face or body, and his skin lacked the fair complexion of city dwellers, his good facial features made him attractive in Lin Ze’s eyes.

At this moment, the wide-eyed expression on his face carried a hint of youthful innocence, which Lin Ze found adorable and obedient.

“What’s wrong? Did I scare you? Don’t worry, listen to me first. My decision to separate from my family and cut off ties has been carefully considered. You are my wife, and you should be on the same side as me in this matter, understand?”

Lin Ze playfully pinched Zhang Xiu’s cheek, and the word “wife” rolled off his tongue smoothly.

Lin Ze had a favorable impression of the young man and hoped that their relationship would continue to develop smoothly. After all, no matter how much compensation he (ZX) received from the divorce, in this feudal society with such conservative beliefs, the status and reputation of the Xiao Ger would be affected more than the man’s.

The previous Lin Ze had never shown such intimacy towards Zhang Xiu. Even accidentally touching hands would make him explode in anger.

Zhang Xiu had no idea how to refuse, and each time Lin Ze called him “wife,” it left him feeling bewildered.

Wasn’t Lin Ze completely focused on Zhang Yinzhu? After they got married, he had warned Zhang Xiu multiple times not to refer to him as his husband. So why was Lin Ze suddenly calling him that? Could it be that Lin Ze had really lost his mind…

“I have no objections. You can decide.”

Zhang Xiu replied uneasily. He felt that Lin Ze, speaking in a gentle and soft tone, was even more frightening than when he was physically aggressive. He could not guess what the other party was plotting.

Empty compliments often conceal ulterior motives. Zhang Xiu remembered reading this during Lin Ze’s study sessions.

Although Zhan Xiu disguised his thoughts well, Lin Ze, being experienced in social situations, could still pick up on subtle cues from his expressions. He could sense that there was something more beneath the surface, despite his attempts to conceal it.

Lin Ze felt puzzled because the reality was far from what he had imagined – a scenario of a pitiful young man being embraced and comforted by a gentle older partner. He could not help but notice that Zhan Xiu appeared to be even more afraid of him.

This was not surprising, as anyone would feel unsettled when someone who had bullied them for a long time suddenly started being kind to them. The history of being mistreated can create doubts and suspicions, making it difficult to trust the sudden change in behavior.

Lin Ze did not know how to comfort Zhang Xiu. The shadow left by the original owner of his body made any words he said now useless. Even if he made promises to Zhang Xiu, there was no guarantee that the young man would believe him.

Instead of using kind words, it would be better to show Zhang Xiu through his actions that he was no longer the same “Lin Ze” as before. After all, feelings could be cultivated slowly.

“I know you can’t give any advice. My proposal goes against the grain, but I must do this.”

Lin Ze said, placing the empty bowl of steamed eggs down and pulling Zhang Xiu closer. He gently kissed his forehead.

The warm embrace and affectionate kiss made Zhang Xiu’s body stiffen, his mind momentarily short-circuiting before he regained focus and heard Lin Ze’s voice again.

“…I thought my mother was just biased, but I never expected her to be so heartless towards me. These past years, I’ve fallen ill every time the provincial exams were held. I thought it was just bad luck, but it turns out my mother and younger brother drugged me.”

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