chapter 30: Insecure mother-in-law

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Lin Ze was a seemingly cultured and refined person on the surface, but inside, he was actually like a beast.

He completely lost control when he got angry...

Well, this description may be a bit exaggerated, but it was not far from the truth. Whoever crossed his limit, he did not care who they were, his temper flared up uncontrollably.

Essentially, to Zhang Liumei, he was a stranger, and his attitude towards her depended entirely on Zhang Xiu.

Initially, he was quite happy to see his mother-in-law taking the initiative to visit, but who would have thought she came to instigate his wife to run away!

You tell me, which man could tolerate such a thing happening to him?

Anyway, Lin Ze could not bear it. If his wife wanted to run away, why should he endure anything? His mood immediately turned from sunny to gloomy, and he stared at Zhang Liumei with a somewhat unfriendly expression.

This frightened Zhang Liumei, who was already quite scared. She thought Lin Ze was going to hit her. She knew that this "cultured and refined" Lin Ze was capable of violence.


Zhang Liumei was so scared that she could not speak properly, only stuttering and trembling in her legs.

There was no choice; Lin Ze's fierce look was truly terrifying, not because of his appearance but because of his intimidating aura and gaze.

Thankfully, Zhang Xiu, who was next to them, reacted promptly. He quickly went in front of Lin Ze, trying to pacify him and earnestly wiping the sweat from Lin Ze's forehead, explaining something.

"My husband, my mother was just talking nonsense. She doesn't know how good you've been to me now. She was worried about our future after we separated from the family, so she came to check on me..."

While Zhang Xiu explained with a bitter smile, he winked at Lin Ze, trying hard to defend his mother.

Although he had not known Lin Ze for a very long time, he believed he understood him quite well. This man was not as gentle and refined as he appeared; when he lost his temper, no one could control him.

Moreover, Lin Ze's concern and attachment to him far exceeded his own imagination. Lin Ze could tolerate anything from him, but he would never tolerate the thought of him leaving.

When Lin Ze disclosed his identity to him initially, Lin Ze's domineering attitude insisted on getting a chance to date him, clearly showing how determined he was to win him over.

His husband could be gentle to the point of drowning someone, but he could also be as fierce as a wild beast.

Fortunately, when it came to him, no matter how stormy Lin Ze's mood was, he could suppress it upon hearing Zhang Xiu's voice and regain his composure.

Seeing Zhang Liumei scared like a quail, Lin Ze also realized that he had become somewhat agitated. But there was nothing he could do; the news of Zhang Xiu wanting to run away genuinely upset him, making it impossible to remain calm.

However, this mother-in-law was truly something. Everyone in the village could see how good he had been to Zhang Xiu recently, so why would she still come to take his wife away? He was not the old "Lin Ze" anymore.

But the other party was, after all, his wife's mother. She did such a confusing thing because she cared about her son. If there was anyone to blame, it should be the old "Lin Ze" who left behind a mess.

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