chapter 2: Transmigrated into an unfortunate scholar

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“Go away. Find someone else to fetch water and cook. Don’t come knocking on the door again while I’m here.”

Lin Ze stared coldly at Chen Shuju and warned her.

Although they didn’t know each other, based on the insults and curses the woman shouted while beating someone just now, he could vaguely guess that ‘he’ and the woman were likely family members.

As for his current situation, being in the information explosion era of modern times, anyone who has watched TV or used the internet could almost guess what had happened.

Transmigration, there was no other explanation for it except this term.

There were still many unfamiliar fragments flashing through his mind, like memories, but he didn’t have the time to comprehend them at the moment. However, judging from the current situation, things didn’t look optimistic. Anyone who had a sharp-tongued woman like her in their family wouldn’t have an easy life.

Although his elderly intellectual parents had taught him manners and etiquette since childhood, Lin Ze had a flexible mindset deep down.
He always adhered to the principle of “if someone makes him unhappy, he will make them uncomfortable.” Whether it was in the open or in secret, whether it was overt or covert, he didn’t mind playing tricks. Otherwise, how could he, at such a young age, climb to the position of a regional manager in the company?

Meanwhile, Chen Shuju, who was pushed out of the door, snapped back to her senses and became furious.

It was bad enough that her eldest son was usually useless and brought shame to the family. Now, he even dared to drive her out of the house. She was his mother, she had the right to wish for his death. How could this unfilial brat have the audacity to lay a hand on her?

“Unfilial son, what’s with your attitude? It’s one thing to be lazy, but to actually lay a hand on me. This is defying the heavens. Oh my, what bad luck have I encountered to give birth to such an unfilial child? If I had known, I would have drowned you in a cesspit when you were born. Oh my…”

Chen Shuju had always been the fiercest and most outspoken woman in the village, starting from her days as a young girl until her marriage. Whenever she encountered something, she would first wail and throw a tantrum.
If it were anyone else, she would dare to directly rush forward and beat them. After all, it was her son, and it was only natural for a mother to discipline her son. Ever since her eldest son was expelled from the private school and his future became uncertain, she had been dealing with him in this manner. She never really liked her eldest son in the first place.

But now, with Lin Ze in front of her, his cold warning gaze felt like a knife. It was different from the timid “Lin Ze” from before. Chen Shuju inexplicably became afraid and could only wail without daring to approach.

The Lin family’s yard wasn’t small, and such a loud wail couldn’t go unnoticed by the others in the house. After a series of noises, the people who were still sleeping and those working in the backyard were all drawn to the commotion. There were a middle-aged man holding a sickle, looking like he had been working just now, a fair-faced young man, a delicate young girl, as well as an elderly couple.
Except for the middle-aged man who had a sickle in his hand and seemed to have been working, the young man, the young girl, and the couple, judging from the clothes they were wearing and their yawning, were obviously disturbed from their sleep.

“Mother, why are you making such a fuss early in the morning? People are still sleeping. Wang Mama (granny, grandmother, elderly woman) said that girls should sleep more to have tender skin. You won’t let me use pearl powder and don’t even let me sleep, favoring only my brother from childhood to now, hmph…”

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