Joe: 😂 I miss you already.

Ann: Stop it.

Joe: But it's true.

Ann: You're cute.

Joe: YOU'RE cute. Goodnight.

She locked her phone, not replying to him. She couldn't stop a smile. She liked him. He made her feel some kind of way and she enjoyed that. She knew life had other plans, but she just went with it. Whatever will happen, will happen. And right now, she knew she needed him. She grabbed her phone again and texted him.

Ann: Hey Joe?

It only took him a second to read the message, letting Ann know he was still on the phone, waiting for her to reply.

Joe: Yes?

Ann: I know I'm probably crossing the line, but can you come cuddle with me?

She saw three dots appear and then disappear. He wanted to write something, but he didn't. Her heart started pounding and she immediately regretted sending that. She thought he's going to think she's crazy. It wasn't even ten seconds, before there was a knock on the door. This made Ann let out a breath she was holding and smile.

„Come in." She said quietly from under her covers. Joe entered the room, wearing only boxers. He tiptoed to the bed and jumped onto the other half and under the covers. He rolled onto his right side facing Ann and smiled widely. „Don't say anything." Said Ann covering her face and laughing, feeling a little embarrassed.

„Come here." She opened her eyes to see him with his hands wide open. That made her heart warm a bit and she chuckled.

She scooched over to him and placed her head on Joe's chest. It was warm and damp from shower. His skin still smelled of his cologne. He wrapped his hands around Ann and sighed. They stayed silent like that for a while, enjoying the moment. Their bodies fit together perfectly and she felt peaceful around him. She didn't feel any sexual tension from him, which only made her more comfortable. He didn't push her and it made him even more attractive. He started to rub his hand softly on her back and she started to do the same. She heard him chuckle.

„What's so funny?" She said while not leaving the position they were in. It was too good to let go.



„We're in the shittiest situation ever and yet we keep jumping into it." He said quietly into Ann's hair.

„Yeah..." she chuckled. „I feel constantly drawn to you. I've never experienced something like this." She moved a bit to look at him.

„Same. I don't know how long I'll be able to control myself." He said with a smile, while brushing through his mess of curls. Ann just chuckled and moved one of the curl that was almost in his eye.

"Well, you'll have to. We definitely can't keep doing what we're doing now. We drank too much and it got out of hand and this, what we're doing right now..." She gestured to them, lying together in bed. "You know it's wrong."

"I heard you're not the one to follow rules." He smirked, alluding to their conversation from earlier.

"Okay, Mr. I Have A Quick Response For Everything..." They both laughed.

"We should get some sleep. Save some energy for today's show." He said and started to get up from bed, but Ann quickly grabbed his hand.

"Stay." She said softly. He didn't hesitate for a bit and returned to his previous position.

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