Talk To Me

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I closed the floo and put on anti-apparition spells on the house before I climbed the stairs. I shrugged of my dress and pulled an overlarge shirt over my head before I climbed under the covers. I breathed in slowly as I tried to keep my tears at bay. I was so confused, I felt guilty and happy at the same time. I didn't know what to do. I fell asleep with a clouded mind.

The next morning, Andy let me sleep in because I only woke up when it was nearly ten. I tugged on my slippers and bathrobe and headed downstairs. The kids were already in the corner playing with dragons and knights, too busy to see me walk in. With a little smile, I walked to the kitchen where I could hear Andy muttering around. When I walked in, I was surprised to see Harry too. I kissed both of their cheeks and sat down next to Harry at the kitchen table.

"Thank you." I said quietly as she placed a plate with bacon and eggs in front of me, then doing the same with Harry.

"So, how was it?" Harry asked with his mouth full of eggs.

"Don't eat with your mouth full, Harry James Potter." I chastised him with a grin.

He swallowed before he said. "Sorry." With a sheepish grin. "How did it go?"

"I-" I looked down at my plate. "I bolted."

"What! Why?" Andy asked, putting her cup of tea on the table in astonishment.

I pushed my plate away from me with a sigh. "The night began great. We had fun at dinner, we talked and laughed. When we went to the club, Hermione and I danced before the twins cut it. It was just a night I needed, but then -"

"Then what?" They asked, sitting on the edge of their seats. Waiting in anticipation as they wanted to know what happened.

"Then - then we kissed."

"Finally." Andy beamed, but her smile fell when she saw the sad look on my face. "Gwen, you and George are perfect for each other. You can see the love between you."

"Cedric and I were perfect for each other." I said a bit snippy. "I can't start something up with George, not again."

"Why not?" She asked, placing a hand on mine. Harry looked at me as a puzzle, trying to figure me out.

"Because everyone will think I just used Cedric as a fill in for George. I don't want to disrespect Cedric's memory like that. I had my one true love."

It was silent for a long moment, Harry and Andy were looking at me like I just grew a second head. Andy was the first one to break the silence.

"Nobody would think that, dear. Nobody. And Cedric would want you to move on and be happy."

"I think." Harry started slowly, and I turned to look at him with watering eyes. "I think Ced would be happy for you, that you would find your way back to George. He knew how much George loved you, how he treated you. I think he would love that you would be with someone he trusted."

"You - you don't know that." I cried. "I had my true love! I don't deserve any more." Harry wrapped his arm around my shoulder and held me close.

"If anyone deserves two great loves, it's you, Gwen." Andy said soft but stern. "I believe you can have more than one big love. Cedric was one part of your life, your husband, the father of your child. George can be the other, in any way that you want him to be."

"I can't." My voice shook. I pushed myself up from the chair and walked out of the room. I gathered the kids, and we went shopping for the decorations for CJ's birthday party. The kids distracted me that day as they ran around the shops looking for the perfect decorations. They filled up my cart quickly as they just kept throwing things in. But their happy smiles were hard to resist, so I let them.

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