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Gryffindor had won against Slytherin! I was cheering alongside the Hufflepuffs, but when I saw the Gryffindor team descent to the ground, I knew something was up when I saw that Malfoy kid there, with smug grin that shouldn't be on his face after they just lost. I said goodbye to Cedric and the others before running up to the spot they were standing. But before I reached it, I saw Harry and George jump on Malfoy. I stopped in my tracks as I saw fists flying around. In the corner of my eye, I saw Angelina hold Fred back from jumping in too.

"GEORGE!" I yelled, but he didn't seem to hear me. I continued my way to the others of the team and stopped in front of Fred. "Fred!" My voice loud and stern and Fred looked away from the fight to me. "Don't! Umbridge is coming, they'll be in enough trouble already, you know that."

Fred looked at me for a moment before I saw the fight leave his eyes and his shoulders slump. Thanks. Angelina mouthed next to him. I turned back to see Harry and George yelling at Umbridge about what had happened. Blood covered their hands and their lips. George had a black eye, while Harry was already sporting a large bruise on his cheek. I took Fred's hand in mine as our eyes followed them when the professor took them away.

"This isn't good." I whispered and I saw Angelina nod as she watched them walk to the castle. "Come on, let's go. We won't find out until they get back."

"Mister Weasley, miss Johnsson. I want the whole team in the tower. Miss Northon, you can head back to the Hufflepuff common room."

"But -" I started, but the Head of Gryffindor gave me a pointed a look. "Yes, professor."

"I'll let you know as soon as we know something." Fred said a bit gloomy.

"Thanks." I mumbled and Angelina led Fred back to the castle, leaving me standing there alone. The crowds of students all passed me as they walked up to the castle. The images of George punching Malfoy flooded my thoughts. Blood from him or Malfoy, or both covered his hands and his mouth. I didn't know how long I stood there but by the time my feet started to move, the pitch and the stands were completely empty. No voices were heard, no chanting or shouting or even the scuffle of feet. Only silence.

I was pacing the Hufflepuff common room, I was pretty sure my feet were leaving a mark on the floor, but I couldn't care less. I had to keep myself busy as I waited for news. Lyra and Odin had tried to sit me down, and it worked... for about two minutes, and I started pacing again. I turned once again and was suddenly faced by Cedric, who placed his hands on my shoulder.

"It's going to be fine. Probably just detention and the deduction of house points." His thumb caressed by shoulder as he leaned down to look at me.

"You didn't see Umbridge's face, Ced. She won't let them go off lightly."

"Professor McGonagall will be there." He said soothingly.

"Yeah." I breathed out shakingly and wrapped my arms around his waist, my head resting on his chest. Cedric's hand rubbed up and down my back in a soothing manner while his cheek was leaning on the top of my head.

"Why don't you go with me on my rounds." He said as he pulled away.

"Your rounds? Why-" Then it hit me. "Oooh. Sure." I shrugged with a little smile. "I think I can keep you company."

"Brilliant." He grinned. "Ready, miss Northon?" He held out his arm and I took it with a smile.

We were walking in the empty corridor, just talking about classes. Cedric pulled out open a door from a classroom or a cupboard once in a while, and he scared a few fourth years away on the second floor. I was chuckling as the couple flew out of our eyesight when Cedric grabbed my arm and pulled me to the side.

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