If You Want To

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"Ced, you're my best friend." Our heads were still touching, and I had my eyes closed. I felt him move away, so I quickly cupped his cheek and looked up to him, his eyes looked sad at me. "I will always love you. And even with this whirlwind of a year, I still love George." He now took a step back as he cast his eyes down.

"That's why you didn't need to answer me, Winnie. Not yet."

"Hey." I stepped closer to him again. "Let me finish, okay. I love George, I do, but I'm also in love with you." His eyes sparkled. "I know it's not fair to either of you. I thought my feelings for you had gone, but the last few months -" I shook my head. "I don't know if I'm ready to start something serious, but I think we finally have the time to see where this can go."

I leaned on my toes, letting our noses graze. Cedric locked his eyes with me, his hand cupping my cheek and he closed the distance. It felt like my stomach, my heart exploded. This kiss was free, not tainted by crazy girlfriends, booze or boyfriends. We were both free and had grown since our relationship changed two years ago. My arms wrapped around his neck, and I pulled him down. But he just took the opportunity to pick me up, and gently push me against the door.

"I've waited so long for this." He whispered against my lips, both breathing rapidly. He pulled back with a large beaming smile. "Why don't we sit down and eat. You must be starving." He gently lowered me back to the floor. "Because even though I can keep doing this for hours." He said as he kissed my cheeks, my nose, my lips. "That's not the reason I brought you here."

"Hm." I smiled up at him. "I could use a bite to eat."

Cedric lopsided grin made my heart skip a beat. "Well then, let me show you this fine arrangement I've put together." He led me to the large picnic blanket; we sat with our backs against his trunk as Cedric started unloading the food. He really had made an effort, more than he would have done in the months prior. Some sandwiches, a whole platter of fruit with only my favourites. Cedric chuckled as I took each and every strawberry from the platter. The moment I was finished with eating, Cedric pulled me against him, his arms securely around me.

"So, all filled up?"

"Yes." I chuckled and craned my neck to look at him. "Thank you, Ced. This means a lot to me." I let my lips grazed his cheek.

"Hold on." He put his index finger on my jaw and guided my lips to his. And I willingly let him. It was weird sitting here like this, kissing him freely, our feelings once again out in the open. I couldn't help myself and shifted until I was straddling him. His hands went up and down my back before they rested on my hips. "This feels unreal." He said as we pulled back panting, his hand came to rest on my cheek.

"I know what you mean." I leaned into his touch. "And as amazing as this is... I want to keep it quiet for now. You know how the rumour mill is here, if they would get a whiff of this -" Cedric stopped my rambling with a kiss.

"It's okay, I understand." He said as he pulled back. "They probably would think we were together while you and George... Like I said, I understand. And I will understand if you want to hold off on us too."

"No." I shook my head with a smile. "Gods, you're amazing. I want to keep it quiet, but I want to explore this, us. As long as you want to."

"I will never not want to." He looked at me with so much love and honest it made me feel flustered. "Do you still want me to go with you?"

"If you want to go with me, then yes." I rested my hands on his jawbone, his hands again rested firmly on my hips. His eyes sparkled with joy, and it made my smile grow wider.

"Kiss me." He whispered, still unreal that he could ask that. I bit my lip to hide a smile before I indulged him.

Ten minutes later we had both changed and crawled into bed together. Nothing happened that night besides kisses, teasing and cuddles, it was the beginning of something new.

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