Meeting the Parents

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The last week of break went by fast. I helped Charlie and Bash, once he was recovered, around the reserve. I saw eggs get hatched, held baby dragons in my arms, I absolutely loved this place and was sad to leave. I had gotten a letter from George to reschedule our date, but I was so busy I didn't have time to write back. On New Year's Eve we went to the muggle village not that far from the reserve. We had dinner at a nice restaurant before ending the evening in a pub with fireworks. Thank Merlin, Bash wasn't allowed to drink with his potions, or otherwise we had to walk all the way back as I and Charlie were too drunk to apparate on our own.

I pouted as I stood in front of the fireplace the afternoon that I had to go back. I was still tired from the night before, still a bit drunk, if I'm being honest.

"Drink this, my mum will flip if she sees you're hungover." Charlie chuckled and handed her a vial.

"Thanks." I smiled softly and drank it in one go, because these potions tasted like crap. But they immediately took effect and sighed happy. "I'm going to miss you." I lunged forward and hugged my brother tight.

"I'm going to miss you too."

"Don't be so dramatic." Charlie sighed playfully. Bash and I pulled apart and looked at him with the same expression, the same arched eyebrow. "You'll see him in a second."

"What are you on about?" Bash and I asked.

"Since it's new year's, time for new resolutions and all, I thought it was time for Bash to meet the family."

"What?!" Bash yelped. "Why didn't you say anything? I look horrible, I didn't prepare, I-" Charlie stopped his rambling as he kissed him.

"My mum will love you."

"She doesn't even know that you're gay." He pointed out.

"So? She will love me just the same."

"And... since two of her sons are gay, she will have to get used to it." I shrugged. Charlie turned to look at me wide eyed. "Oh, come on. Ron's questions after the first task? It's obvious if you know what to look for."

"Huh... Anyway." Charlie shook his head and grinned at his boyfriend. "Are you ready?"

"With you and little one by my side? More than ready." He placed a small kiss on Charlie's lips before he rubbed my short ash blond bob.

"I'll see you in a second." I winked and stepped into the fireplace.

"Mrs Weasley?" I called as I stepped out of the fireplace.

"In the kitchen, dear." I waited for Charlie and Bash to appear before the three of us made our way to the kitchen, which smelled delicious. "Gwen, how was it?"

"I was great Mrs Weasley, thank you again for letting me use your floo." I smiled as she hugged me. When we pulled apart, she looked curiously behind me. "Oh, this is my brother Sebastian. He works with Charlie."

"People call me Bash." He said friendly and stuck out his hand for her to shake, but I could hear his nerves in his voice.

"Oh, yes. Charlie told me all about you." Mrs Weasley smiled and shook his hand before she went to hug her son. I took his hand when I saw Mr Weasley sitting at the table reading his paper.

"Mr Weasley, good to see you again."

"Same to you, Gwen. Nice to meet you, Bash."

"Nice to meet you too, sir." They shook hands.

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