The Cottage

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"No, we couldn't impose." I said again as Molly said we could stay at the burrow. First of all, the house was already crowded, second it would be way too awkward with George there, since the twins are staying at the burrow too. We were sitting in the empty great hall eating a late dinner.

"The four of them can stay with us, right Bill?" Fleur suggested.

"I was just going to suggest it myself." He smiled and kissed the top of her head.

"Six of you in the flat?" Molly gasped and shook her head. "No, that's too small."

"We'll manage. We have three rooms, Charlie and Bash can share a room and Gwen and Cedric."

"They are too young!"

I bit my lip to hold back my laughter, Cedric looked at his lap with a grin. Bill and Charlie shared a look before bursting into laughter.

"Mum, they're married!" Charlie laughed.

"Well..." She didn't know what to say to that, but a smile appeared on her face.

"And we're moving to the cottage next week. So, if they decide to stay, they can crash at our place."

"That's really sweet." I said reaching for his hand. "But like I told your mum, we don't want to impose."

"We can stay at my parents' house, they'll be happy to see us."

"Stay with us until at least after the funeral." Bill said, and with the look he gave me, I didn't want to object.

"Alright. Till the funeral." I nodded.

"Great, now that everything is settled, we can go." Molly stood up. "Arthur had some things to finish up at the ministry and the kids will arrive tomorrow morning with the train."

"What about the twins?" Bill asked.

"They left an hour ago. They had some potions on stasis that needed to be finished. Oh, Fleur, maybe you can come over this week so we can talk about the wedding."

Fleur smiled and followed Molly out of the great hall. The five of us watched them walk out of the room before we stood up. "Your wedding is going to be huge." Cedric chuckled.

"Don't remind me." Bill groaned and rubbed his scarred face. I walked over to him and locked my arm with his.

The first question in my mind was 'how are you' but I pushed it back, he probably heard that enough the past few days. "Thanks for letting us crash."

"Don't mention it. Just put a muffliato charm around the room alright." He winked.

"Oh gods!" I slapped his arm, with a laugh. "My brother is sleeping in the room next to us." I hissed and looked over my shoulder where Bash was walking with Ced and Charlie. Bill just laughed loudly, his laughter echoed in the empty great hall.

"You're coming to the wedding, right?"

"Well, since I just found out and I don't know when the wedding will be..."

"It's not my fault you were travelling the world." He grinned.

"Oh, you're one to say, you just came back to England a year ago or something?" I chuckled, and he shrugged.

"Keep August 1 st free then."

"I'll see if I can pencil you in." I nudged his side as we walked towards Sprout's office where we could use the floo.

"I still can't believe you're married." He said as we walked down the steps. "How, when, where?"

Cedric walked up next to us, and I reached my hand out. He intertwined our fingers together with a smile. "What's the gossip?"

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