Time Tables

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The great hall was starting to fill out as kids got their timetables and went on to their first class. I flopped down at the Hufflepuff table and groaned when I put my head in my arms. The others chuckled as they filled their plates.


I looked up to Cedric, who slid a hangover potion to me. "Why didn't you give that to me earlier?"

"Because you practically ran out of the room." Cedric rolled his eyes playfully. I took the potion and drank it in one, the hangover disappeared in an instant and I felt better, still tired but at least not hungover anymore.

"Thanks." I gave him a feeble smile. He winked at me and started filling up my plate with my favourite things. I was on my last bit of bacon when professor Sprout came into view.

"Morning!" She said happily. "I hope the party didn't get too wild."

"We all played nice." Lyra grinned up at the professor.

"Good, good." She started fumbling with the papers. "Here are your timetables. Odin, Cedric, you have to get going if you want to be on time for Arithmancy." She said as she handed the boys their timetables. Professor Sprout always called the Hufflepuffs by your first name, she is probably the only teacher who did that. The boys accepted it quickly and stood up from the bench, Cedric looked at me for a moment as Odin kissed Lyra on the cheek.

"We'll compare them later, now go." I shooed them away with my hand and the boys were off.

"Alright, Lyra..." She checked the papers again. "Oh, here we go. You have Muggle Studies, in half an hour." She handed over the piece of paper. Lyra inspected it quickly, before she grabbed the last piece of toast and headed out of the great hall.

"And now, Gwen." She placed her timetable in front of me. "You have Care of Magical Creatures in a little over an hour. And you'll be in the first group that start their apparition tests, together with everyone who turns seventeen by December first. We'll post more information when the time comes."

"Thank you, professor Sprout." I smiled up at the witch.

"I'll see you in class this afternoon." She patted my shoulder and walked to the other students of her house.

I picked my timetable up and examined my upcoming year. Today, Thursdays will consist in Care of Magical Creatures, Herbology and two hours of potions. My timetable had a lot of free periods, the classes were scattered across the week. I didn't take as much classes as Cedric and Odin, or even Lyra. I received 7 OWL's, that included History of Magic, but I dropped the subject without a second thought. I put the timetable in my bag and walked out of the great hall. I was excited for my first class of Alchemy tomorrow; it was touch and go to see if there would be enough students who wanted to take it, but it looked like it turned out alright.

I strolled through the corridors as I made my way to the library. Not to study, no it was way too early for that but to research the previous Tournaments. The library was mostly empty, I passed the desk of madam Pince who gave me a kind nod. I walked further in the library passing the rows of books. When I found the book about the previous Tournaments, I couldn't help but pick up a book about alchemy and I began flipping through it as I walked to one of the tables in the back. I stopped in my tracks as I heard a couple of familiar hushed voices from around the corner. I peeked my head around the bookshelf, the books tight to my chest and saw the twins and Lee hunched over together, whispering. George jotted down notes while the two others flipped through the books in front of them. I pursed my lips together as I held back a grin. I quietly made my way down to their table and flopped myself down next to George. My books dropped on the table with a loud thud, making the three boys look at me in surprise.

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