What's Wrong

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It's been almost two months since school started again, and George had given me my travel book back a few days after we arrived back at school. I totally forgot that I brought it over to Grimmauld that day over Christmas break. But ever since George gave me the book back, he's been withdrawn. He spends a lot of his time with Fred and Lee in their little hide-out or in their dormitory. We still hung out and I came over to the tower a couple of times a week, but he was always keeping busy with things for the shop. The twins had been happy about the shop, the fact that I had found it but now... they wouldn't tell me anything. They just told me they had been owling to the owner but nothing more. I knew I couldn't ask Fred; I didn't want to put him in between us, the chance that he would say anything was slim. So, I didn't push him, thinking he was just so focused on the shop and kept myself busy with my schoolwork, my Hufflepuff friends and my plans for after Hogwarts.
Cedric and I didn't talk about the kiss and fell into our old ways. Cedric even went on a few dates with a fifth year Hufflepuff girl, Hannah. She was sweet, maybe it could work between them, who knows.

Right now, I was walking around the dark corridor taking a moment to myself. Lyra and Odin had a date, Cedric and Hannah were playing wizard chess in the common room, so I decided to go on a walk. It was chilly in the corridors, and I pulled my scarf tighter around my neck. I stopped by an open window and looked at the large full moon that was shining over the dark forest. I leaned my head on my hands as my arms rested on the windowsill. I closed my eyes and took in a slow deep breath.

"Hey." A voice came from behind me, making me jump. I turned to see Hermione standing there in her neatly pressed school robes. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."

"No, it's okay. Shouldn't be out here so late anyway."

"No, you shouldn't." Hermione said sternly but a smile appeared. She stepped up next to me and we both turned to look at the night sky. "It's beautiful, isn't it?"

"It is." I smiled, my eyes on the moon. "Until you think about what's hiding in the forbinnen forest." I chuckled as I saw some trees rustle.

"Got a point there." Hermione smiled. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, why do you ask?" I turned my head to look at her.

"Because you're wandering around the castle alone, at night."

"Hm." I pursed my lips. "I guess something is on my mind." I looked back at the clear sky ahead of me. "George has been distant since school started again. I know he's been busy with things for the shop but..." I sighed and rubbed my hands over my face. "Before he told me everything. I even helped making products and look for a shop."

"They both have been distant." Hermione answered. "I guess starting a shop does that to you. Especially now that they found out the owner accepted their offer."

I tried to keep my face straight and swallowed thickly. My heart hammered fast in my chest, and I had a hard time trying to keep my tears at bay. They found out they could start their shop, to realize their dream, but he chose not to tell me. Even after I helped them find the shop that suited them perfectly. I try to keep my voice steady as I spoke. "Yeah, it's probably just that." I straighten myself, and tried to control my metamorphmagus, to show no sign of hurt. "I better get back to the common room."

"Do you want me to walk with you in case another prefect or teacher finds you?" Hermione asked. If she had noticed my sudden change, she didn't comment on it, but I highly doubted she had.

"No, the twins showed me their shortcuts, I'll be down in my common room in a jiffy." I forced a smile. "Thanks for listening, Hermione."

"Anytime, Gwen. Good night."

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