The Runaway

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I buried my head in my pillow as the sun shined in my eyes, groaning slightly from the headache that arose. The scent on the pillow comforted me in a way, then my eyes shot open as I didn't remember going back to my room. I bolted up straight as I looked around frantically. But I couldn't see much as the curtains around the four-poster bed were closed. I peeked my head through the curtains and saw two other beds in the room. Lee, presumably, was snoring in the bed across, while Fred laid in the bed next to me. Where was George ? I flung my feet off the bed, and it landed on something hard. I frowned and looked down. George was sleeping on the floor right next to me, his head on what looked like a knitted pillow with the letter F on it. I threw my legs out on the other side of the bed and picked up my wand that rested on the nightstand. I transfigured my clothes into a baggy high-waist jean and changed my top into a crop top burgundy sweater. As I walked toward the twins, my hair shot up and turned in a brown wavy bob. I kneeled next to George, placing my hand on his shoulder, shaking it slightly.


"Hmm?" He hummed before he opened his eyes. He looked at me with a sleeping grin and pushed himself up on his arms. "Morning."

"Good morning." I smiled at him. "You didn't have to give me your bed, I was fine on the couch."

"Don't be silly." He waved me off. I took a hold of his hand and pulled him up. "I am a gentleman after all." He smiled down at me as we stood chest to chest.

"Why don't you go back to sleep, in your own bed."

"No, no. I'm up already." He stretched his arms out above his head, revealing his toned abs, I looked away before he would notice me looking. George grabbed his pillow and tossed it to his twin. "Oi, Fred! Wake up!"

"That is a strange looking pillow." I said as Fred tossed it back to George's head, making me chuckle.

"That's because it isn't a pillow, you stole mine." He winked and he grabbed two end of the pillow and gave it a hard shake and turned back into a warm knitted jumper. "Our mum makes them."

"And you stole Fred's." I grinned, pointing at the letter F in the middle.

"We always switch ours." He shrugged. "Better get dressed."

"I'll wait downstairs." I turned and headed out the door, just as Fred climbed tiredly out of his bed. Five minutes later, the twins and Lee came hurdling down the steps.

"Here." Lee tossed me a vial. I quirked an eyebrow at him. "It's a hangover potion."

"Thank Merlin." I sighed and opened the vial. When it was empty, I wrapped my arms around Lee and walked to the great hall, the twins behind us. As it was Sunday morning it was still fairly quiet in the castle. Even the portraits were only starting to wake up.

When we entered the great hall, Lyra and Odin beckoned me over. I bid the twins and Lee goodbye before heading down the Hufflepuff table. Lyra was about to open her mouth as I filled my plate with eggs when Cedric sat down next to me.

"Morning." I grinned at the still hungover boy. He groaned in response before Odin handed him a hangover potion.

"Morning." He said after he took the potion.

"Ced, do you remember what you did last night?" I whispered, afraid of the answer. Cedric looked at me, a pondering look on his face.

"Uhm..." Before he could say anything more, Cho dropped down on the other side of him.

"Hey, babe." She kissed the corner of his mouth. I exchanged looks with Odin and Lyra, who all looked as surprised as I was. Cedric himself was surprised to see her, sitting next to him. "You didn't tell them about last night?"

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