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I haven't seen George in the great hall since our breakup. I haven't been in the great hall the rest of Saturday, but I've been there for Sunday lunch and dinner. Now it was Monday and classes were starting again. I changed my hair into wavy brown locks with a fringe that slightly covered my eyes, so I could glance around without anyone noticing or cover my eyes purposely. I saw Fred coming in the great hall snatch a few pieces of bread and headed back out. No sign of George.

I was relieved my first day of classes wasn't with any Gryffindors and since DADA wasn't much of a class, Cedric and I treated ourselves with one of the twins' candies to get out of it. The next day that I had classes with the Gryffindors for our Charms classes. I took in a deep breath before walking in the classroom. I wasn't surprised that the twins weren't there yet, as they always come in late or just in the nick of time. I sat myself down on the right side of the room, while Cedric planted himself next to me.

"Hey, Gwen." Angelina's voice came from behind us. I turned to look at her, her eyes careful and a tad sad. She knew.

"Hey, Angelina." I said, pushing my fringe back a bit.

"I - uhm – I don't want to pry."

"But you heard?"

"I did." She drawled out. "I heard them talking in the common room. I was crashing on the couch after practice, they didn't see me."

"Oh." I cast my eyes down.

"It's okay, I don't think anyone knows." She glanced around the classroom for a moment before looking back at me. "I don't know what exactly happens, but George blames himself."

"So, he should." Cedric grumbled.

"Ced, don't."

"Sorry." He mumbled with half of a smile. "You got to stand by your best friend, am I right?" He asked Angelina. Angelina chuckled as she looked between me and Cedric.

"Can't argue with that." She turned back to me. "I know we only started hanging out this year, but I'm here if you want to talk." She placed her hand on mine.

"Thanks, Angelina. Who would have thought a year ago you would say that to me." I grinned.

"I don't." Cedric and Angelina chimed. The three of us looked at each other for a second before we all started laughing. I didn't see the twins and Lee walk in, but they were standing in the doorway looking at us, surprised. It was when Angelina stopped laughing that I knew George had come in the room. I gave Angelina a last smile before turning back to the front. While I turned, George and I crossed eyes for a split second. And if I didn't know him, he would look like his usual bright funny self, but his eyes gave it away. The twinkle was gone, and you could see some red streaks in them, meaning he had cried. A little selfishly I thought, good. He was the one that pushed me away, that ruined our relationship for months. All during class I felt eyes on me, and it was hard to keep my attention on the subject matter. Cedric noticed my dilemma and took my hand under the table, giving it a squeeze. I gave him a small smile as I turned back to the professor.

I arrived at greenhouse seven the next day and was surprised to see Fred already standing at our station. I walked over slowly as I took him in. I knew it was Fred of course, but the similarities didn't make it easier. I put on a smile as I came to stand next to him.

"Hey, Fred." I kissed his cheek, which by the look on his face, came as a surprise. "We still can be cordial with each other, can't we?"

"Of course, Guinevere." He smiled broadly at me as he nudged me. "How's the wedding planning going?"

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