A Gryffindor Party

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"Oh Merlin!" Lyra gasped as I walked back into our dormitory. "Who are you dressing up for, Cedric, or one of the twins?"

I looked surprised away from putting on my heels, to Lyra who sat in front of her make-up mirror. I walked up and looked at my reflection in the mirror. I wore a yellow high-waist maxi skirt with a white lace top on it. It wasn't something to fancy, it was something new though. I bought it just before I went to Cedric this summer and haven't had a chance to wear it. I always felt more comfortable with something high waist, the thing that made me love the skirt even more, were the deep pockets sewn into it.

"It isn't too much, is it?"

"No, you look perfect." Lyra turned and looked in the mirror to me. "You are a very brave Hufflepuff for wearing that to a Gryffindor party."

"Well." I grinned. "I need to represent our house now, don't I?" Lyra chuckled at me as she fixed her make-up. I looked back in the mirror and changed my hair into a light brown colour with golden highlights that reached just above her bum in soft curly waves. She popped her lips as a nude colour filled them. "Are you ready?" I asked as I saw Lyra look at me in envy.

"I wish I could do that." She pouted. I placed my hands on her shoulders and leaned down.

"You look beautiful the way you are. Just ask Odin." I winked before stepping back, so she could stand up. Lyra wore a simple navy-blue cocktail dress with a lace bustier. I looked her up and down with a large smile. "Just perfect."

"Thanks." Lyra blushed before she hugged her tight. "Let's go, the boys are probably waiting already."

"Alright." I followed her out the dormitory and walked in the empty hallway. And like Lyra said, Odin and Cedric were waiting in the common room, both leaning against the large couch as they talked amongst themselves. Odin wore a faded weird sisters t-shirt, while Cedric wore a dark blue, almost black dress shirt, the upper buttons left open. When Lyra kissed Odin's cheek, it was only then the two of them were aware that we arrived. Cedric's eyes looked me up and down, a large smile on his lips. He pushed himself of the couch and held out his arm for me to take. I smiled back at him as I circled my arm around his and we followed the lovebirds out the common room.

"You look beautiful." Cedric whispered in my ear. I looked up at him with a smile.

"You look pretty dashing yourself." I gently pulled his collar. "Makes me wonder how you would look wearing your new dress robes."

A slight blush crept up on his cheeks. "I've been wondering the same with your dress ever since you opened the package. But since we still don't know why we need them, we'll just have to wait and see."

"Uhm, Gwen?" Lyra stopped at the end of the hall, looking over her shoulder. "Where is the Gryffindor common room?"

"Oh, I actually don't know. George forgot to mention it." I bit my lip softly, thinking about a solution. "Let's head to the grand staircase, I've seen them hurry down there more than once." I shrugged and pulled Cedric with me, so we walked in front.

"You're wearing the necklace." Cedric pointed out as the medallion rested on my chest.

"Of course, I am." I smiled, twirling it through my fingers. I looked up from my necklace when I heard the shuffling of feet nearby. "Harry?"

"Oh, Gwen, there you are." Harry smiled as he walked closer. He gave a wave at the other three when he stopped in front of me. "I thought you bailed." He chuckled.

"George said the party didn't start until 8. It's not even eight thirty." I laughed; my voice echoed through the staircases. "Wait! Have you been waiting here since eight?"

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