Kicked Out

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The next few weeks in the castle were quiet without the twins, not only for me but for all the other students and even the teachers. I had noticed Hermione's change too, the smile and the twinkle in her eyes she always had when Fred was around was completely gone now. So, when I saw her sitting alone at the Gryffindor table, I sat down across from her instead of sitting at the Hufflepuff table.

"Hiya, Hermione."

"Oh, hey Gwen." She smiled once she recovered from my sudden appearance. "Been awhile, how are you?"

"Getting there. You?"

"Right as rain. But I'm not the one who had a recent breakup."

"Maybe not." I shrugged. "But I know how you felt about Fred. Did he ask you to go to Hogsmeade?"

"I - you knew?" She asked surprised and I gave her a lopsided grin. "He did ask me but then they left, he wrote to me a few days ago but they are too busy with getting the shop ready. Which I fully understand but..."

"Yeah." A moment of silence fell between us. "Are you going with Harry and Ron then?"

"No, they already left. I didn't really feel like going." She said looking back at her book. But she didn't have long to read as I closed the book for her. Hermione looked up confused.

"Then you're going with me and Cedric."

"No, no I can't." She shook her head.

"I won't take no for an answer, young lady." I tried to say in a stern voice, but failed miserably, and we both started to laugh. "Come on." I stood up and nudged my head. Hermione rounded the table, and I looped my arm through hers, guiding her to the Hufflepuff table.

"Odin and Lyra just left." Cedric said as he finished his plate. "Hello, Hermione."

"Hi, Cedric."

"Hermione here, is going to come with us to Hogsmeade."

"If you don't mind, of course." Hermione quickly added and I rolled my eyes.

"Of course, I don't mind." Cedric smiled and stood up. He nudged me aside and he offered an arm to me and one to Hermione. "Ready, ladies?"

"Ready, sir." Hermione and I chimed, and we walked out of the great hall together.

It wasn't the smile Hermione had preserved for Fred, but it was a beaming one, nonetheless. It was a fun day, we visited almost every store in Hogsmeade and to Hermione's delight the three of us spend an hour in the bookstore exploring. Hermione told us that Harry and Ron never wanted to go in with her, so she went in overdrive showing her favourite spots. But we didn't mind, I looked for books on magical creatures and travel. And Cedric looked for books on curse breaking and journalism. 

When we came out of the bookstore, Harry and Ron spotted the three of us laughing carrying our full bags. If their shocked faces were any indication, they didn't expect Hermione in Hogsmeade, certainly not with me and Cedric.

"Oh, hey."

"I thought you weren't coming?" Harry asked.

"I wasn't until Gwen made me." Hermione said with a grin.

"Do you regret it?" I asked with a raised eyebrow and a smile.

"Not in the slightest. We just spend over an hour in the bookstore."

Ron looked like she just said she spend an hour in Azkaban, but Hermione didn't pay him any attention as she showed her books to Harry.

"Why aren't you here with Hannah?" Ron asked Cedric.

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