Will You?

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"Let's go!" I laughed as I pulled Cedric towards the clear blue ocean. But Cedric pulled my arm and when I collided with him, he picked me up and ran towards the water with me in his arms. A large smile on his face and his eyes shined brightly as he looked at me. My own smile widened from the carefree happy look on his face. I was so fixed on that happy smile that I didn't notice we reached the water until the water splashed against my legs. Cedric was walking us slower now, further into the ocean. We found a secluded beach, not far from The Bassin, we were the only two people there.

We left Africa two months ago, right after new year's. It was hard to leave. Hard to leave the people, the village, the animals. And of course, Abbo and Kai. We made a promise to come back as soon as we could and left for Australia after a tearful goodbye. A week before Christmas, Cedric's story had been published by a muggle magazine, National Geographic. Since it was about the muggle world, none of the wizarding magazines were interested in his story. But it didn't matter. His story was a massive success in the muggle world, and they already asked Cedric for more stories. He was now working on the wildfires that were becoming more frequent in Australia.

I worked at different local animal hospitals and rescue centres. Working with kangaroos, koalas, dingoes, Tasmanian devils, and even platypuses, which had a great resemblance of a niffler. A few weeks ago, another large fire broke out and as Cedric went with the firefighters to try and save as much wildlife and nature as possible, I helped the animal in the clinic and rescue centre. There was a baby koala, who lost its mother to the fire, who had large burns across its little body. I cared for the little one day and night. Feeding it, cleaning its wounds, naming it (Notto), everything. I had made a special salve which helped heal the wounds much quicker. The muggles I worked with all looked shocked at the progress and wanted to know where it came from. I told them I made it myself, not telling the part where you had to use magical plants for it to work, but they didn't ask, they were just happy that the animals they cared for didn't need to suffer. I already made them a large tin of salve that would take over two years before it was empty. But today the firefighters and the rescue workers practically forced us to take a break. The fire had dwindled down and there was enough helping hands at the centre, so we reluctantly gave in and apparated to the secluded beach. 

Cedric suddenly slipped and we both fell in the water. My head was completely submerged under the water, and I opened my eyes. A little further away from us, a tortoise was swimming smoothly under the water. I smiled as I looked for Cedric, and when I turned, I already saw him looking at me, with a look that made my heart skip a beat. I pushed my arms through the water and swam to him. When I reached him, he placed his hands on my hips and pulled us up, out of the water. My arms circled around his neck, while my legs did the same around his hips.

"Hi." I beamed up at him.

"Hi." He kissed the top of my nose.

"Gods, I love you." I whispered as my fingers grabbed his hair gently. Cedric's smile went even larger as he leaned his head against mine, his grip on me tight.

"Marry me." He whispered back. I pulled my head back and looked at him wide-eyed.

"W-what?" I choked out.

"Marry me." He repeated.

"Yes." I said before my lips crashed against his. I didn't know it was possible, but Cedric pulled me even closer against him, his hand going in my hair as we kissed. When we finally broke the kiss, we were both grinning widely. Cedric opened his mouth to say something else, but a deep blue sapphire egg was floating next to us. Cedric gave me a nod with a smile on his face, and I looked back at the egg, Cedric gave me over a year ago. I reached my hand out, and when my hand grazed the top of the egg, the egg transformed. The egg transformed in all kinds of shapes as a golden ray surrounded the egg. Then the egg was gone, and a ring floated softly in my hand. No, not a just a ring, and engagement ring. An engagement ring with a deep blue sapphire stone and a gold band. I recognized the ring in a second and my mouth dropped open.

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