Seventh Year

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It was something trivial really, but I loved that we were old enough and able to apparate to the platform on our own. Cedric and I wore the same grin on our faces as we landed at the end of the platform. Without saying a word Cedric took my trunk in his free hand and walked over to the train. I rolled my eyes playfully as I followed him on the train. We found an empty compartment and Cedric pulled me down next to him, his arm loosely over my shoulder. I leaned against him as my eyes flickered over the platform, watching the students all walk in. It was weird sitting here for the last time, for our last year. Seeing ickle first years look at the platform in wonder and amazement.

"A sickle for your thoughts?" Cedric's voice brought me back.

"Just thinking about that this is the last time we ride to Hogwarts." I said with a sad smile.

"It is weird, if you think about it. It's been our entire world for the last seven years. It's going to weird not seeing you, or Odin and Lyra every day." He rubbed my arm absently. "At least you know what you want to do after Hogwarts."

"I may know with what I want to do for work, but I don't know where."

"I thought you would go work with Bash and Charlie in Romania?"

"Eventually, maybe. But I want to travel first, see what I can do and learn about other creatures. Then there is the opportunity of an apprenticeship in Africa with Abo." I bit my lip as I thought about next year.

"You'll figure it out."

"You will too, Ced. I'll make sure of it." I gave him a pointed glare.

"I'll keep you to that." He chuckled as the door slid open, Odin and Lyra were standing there already in their school robes. "Here are the lovebirds!"

"Oh, hush you." Lyra chastised but smiled none the less. She gave us both a kiss on the cheek, Odin doing the same to me, while he clapped Cedric on the shoulder and sat down next to Lyra. "So, what are we talking about?"

"Life after Hogwarts."

"Still no plans, mate?" Odin asked, wrapping his arm around Lyra.

"No. You?"

"Going for my master in potions."

"And I'll start my healing training this summer." Lyra clapped excitedly.

"You'll do great. Madam Pomfrey said so herself." I smiled at her and suddenly I saw mops of red hair appear on the platform. My smile wavered and I leaned over Cedric to push the blinders down.

"Gwen?" Lyra frowned at me confused.

"George?" Cedric whispered glancing through the blinders, and I nodded my head.

"Shit, they're coming on the train." I cursed and grabbed my wand and put a disillusionment charm on myself. "I'm not ready."

"What's going on? Why did you turn invisible?" Lyra asked as she leaned forward.

"George wrote her one letter this summer and didn't visit or ask her to come to the burrow." Lyra looked outraged at Cedric and invisible me, even Odin looked disgruntled. "You need to talk to him."

"Not now." I snapped and Cedric just sighed in response.

"Fine, sit down on the ground against the window. Because I'm sure they're coming in here any minute now, and if they sit down."

"They'll know." I grumbled. "I know." I lowered myself to the ground and Cedric placed one foot between my legs, so it didn't look like something else was there. "Thanks."

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