Charlie's Cabin

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"Fucking Weasleys." Cedric grumbled as he searched the whole castle for the twins. That morning, they already had left the breakfast table, if they had even showed up. During lunch he didn't see either of them or Lee. It was still break so he couldn't stop them during class. He looked everywhere but didn't find them. It was only during dinner that he spotted the two red heads walk in. Cedric saw George scan the Hufflepuff table for a certain girl and when he couldn't spot her, his shoulders slumped, and he dropped down next to his twin. His eyes kept scanning the table and glanced to the doors from time to time. So, when dinner was finally over, Cedric and George hopped up on the same time and walked towards each other.

"Where is Guinevere?"

"Gone. She asked me to give you this." Cedric said as he handed over the note. He watched as he read the note twice and when he finally looked back up, he said. "She used the floo at your house." Cedric couldn't help the grin that appeared, and it only became larger when George looked at him with large wide eyes. "The floo at the burrow is attached to the one in Charlie's cabin, so she floo'd over there this morning and used your floo to go to Romania."

"She - she met my mum?"

"Probably." He shrugged with a grin. "It will be fine, mate." He clapped his back. "Maybe you could write her and try to pry out what happened." He chuckled as he left the great hall.

I stepped out of an unfamiliar fireplace that was situated in a living room. The room gave me a real homey feeling, I stepped out of the fireplace looking around. "Hello?" I called out in the silent house. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and the next moment a woman with red hair appeared in the doorway.

"You must me Gwen. Professor Sprout contacted me, and Arthur told me all about you of course, together with the twins and Charlie. What you did for those two kids." Mrs Weasley suddenly pulled me into a hug. Not what I expected to be honest, but I patted her back a little awkwardly.

"Nice to meet you too, Mrs Weasley. I heard a lot about you."

"You did?" She asked surprised as she pulled back, her hands still on my shoulders.

"Uhm, yeah. I've been hanging out with the twins this year."

"They are not roping you into anything dangerous, are they?"

"No, no." I smiled at the witch. "They are perfectly harmless." We looked at each other for a minute before we both started laughing.

"Come on, let me give you a tour. You still have an hour before the floo closes."

Mrs Weasley showed her around on the lower floor and their large garden. When we stood in the hallway, she pointed at the pictures of her kids that were all hanging on the wall. I chuckled when I saw pictures of the twins in the yard covered in paint, running away from Mrs Weasley butt naked.

"One minute they were painting neatly on the canvas." She started. "I turn around for one second!" She pointed with her index finger in the air. "Don't ever turn your back on the twins." I laughed at that. "And they had covered each other with paint. I took them upstairs to clean them up, but once they were out of their clothes they ran back down and started another paint fight." Mrs Weasley smiled as she shook her head. "I took me a week to get all the paint off."

"You should get an award for handling those two."

"I should, shouldn't I?" She smiled and I heard the clock rang behind me. "You better get going before the floo closes."

"Right. Thanks for the tour, Mrs Weasley." I smiled as I grabbed my bag from the kitchen table.

"My pleasure dear, and you're always welcome to visit in the summer." She offered. "Oh, I made some cookies and cupcakes for you guys."

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