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Book 3

With another portkey in our hand, we landed in Uganda. Our trunks had a bottomless spell on it, alongside a feather light charm. I was glad for the shorts I was wearing because the temperature was way higher than in the UK. I saw Cedric wipe away the sweat that had gathered on his forehead already. We were standing in a little courtyard surrounded by a white stone building with rust-brown roof tiles. The windows were all open but you could see mosquito nets in front of every window. I smiled when I saw my old professor walk out the house and towards us.

"Gwen." He smiled broadly, his white teeth a big contrast against his dark skin. "How are you?" He asked pulling me in a quick hug.

"I'm good, how about you?" I asked pulling back.

"Very happy to see you here." He said before he turned to Cedric. "I'm Abbo."

"Cedric." They shook hands with a smile.

"Brilliant! Let's go in, I just made us some lunch and then I'll show you were you'll be staying." He gestured us to follow him, and we walked inside the house. The moment we stepped in, we felt cool air run through the house, and I let out a breath of relief.

"Feels good, doesn't it." Abbo chuckled when he heard me.

"Sorry, not used to the heat." I apologized and Cedric shot me a smirk.

"Some get used to it, some don't. We'll just have to wait and see." He said as he guided us through the house.

"Very reassuring." I chuckled. "This place is beautiful, Abbo."

"Thank you. My father build it with my grandfather years ago, I just spruced it up a little the past two years." The house was light and had a beautiful, light brown tiled floor. On every stool, table or cupboard stood an ornament or figurine that presented Uganda or Africa.

"These are beautiful." I gasped at the wooden figures on a long table in front of a long window. "What do they represent?"

"Fertility." Abbo added with a hint of a smirk. My eyes widened as I looked away from both men and hid my blush. Cedric placed his hand on my back and guided me further in the house, I didn't dare to look at him. We entered a large kitchen with an island in the middle where three plates were already waiting for us. "We are more fortunate than most of the people here." He said as he saw are astonished faces. "We try to give back to the smaller villages in the close neighbourhood as much as possible."

"I would like to see the villages."

"It would be an honour to show you around. We can do it tomorrow after you two settled." He turned to Cedric with a smile. "Where do your interests lie, Cedric?"

"Still choosing between two career options. Curse breaking or journalism." He answered as we sat down, and Abbo started to load our plates with some kind of chicken.

"Two very different paths." Abbo mused. "But you're young, you can try both of them out before you decide. And even then, you can always change. I think Gwen here wants to do it all. Alchemy and working with animals and magical creatures." He chuckled kindly.

"We are an indecisive lot, true." Cedric grinned. "This is amazing. What is it?" He asked as he pointed to his plate with his fork.

"Matoke. It's a chicken stew with seasoned bananas and vegetables."

"I would kill for the recipe."

"Don't need to kill anyone, Gwen." Abbo laughed. "I'll write you a copy later."

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