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We left the stage, hand in hand, and when we stepped off the steps I turned to Harry. "That was fun! Let's go choose another song!"

I tugged him through the crowd before he could answer. "You're quite the kisser, Harry." I looked over my shoulder, Harry was still red in the face. "It was just a kiss, Potter." I laughed. "I'm sure you kissed plenty of other witches. I didn't expect you to go in fully but-"

My voice trailed off as I looked back forward. Right in the eyes of the one I wasn't ready to see. "George." I gasped, my heart beating fast in my chest. Why was my heart beating this fast? Why did my stomach clench together at the sight of him?

The man, who I could easily read before, was now unreadable. His face was set in stone as he looked at me. His hair was again, partially tied up in the back, while his free locks rested on his shoulder. I saw movements in the corner of my eye, Fred who was standing on George's right, had his hair short, a large contrast to George's. On his left was Lee, his hair in the afro I saw a few weeks ago. We all stared at each other for a long moment, the music and the noises of the crowd filled the deafening silence. I couldn't take my eyes off him, his hard eyes flickered to my hand that was clasped in Harry's. Harry quickly let go as he saw this too and rubbed his neck nervously.

Then, to my horror, George turned and walked out of the pub. I watched him go and pushed back the tears that were started to form. Fred opened his mouth, but nothing came out. He shot me an apologetic look before he followed his twin. Lee reached over and rested his hand on my shoulder. When I turned to look at him, he enveloped me in a tight hug. I hugged him back with everything I had, trying to show him how much I missed him.

"I've missed you." He murmured in my ear. "I'll talk to him. I think it was just the shock." He pulled back and kissed my cheek. "We'll catch up. Can I write to you?"

"Write or text if you have a phone." I said softly, still in shock of seeing them, seeing George's reaction and departure. "I'm staying at Andromeda's."

"Great." He squeezed my hand, with a half-hearted smile and a nod to Harry, he followed the twins' footsteps.

I turned to Harry with tears in my eyes. "What was that about everyone being happy to see me?"

"Oh, Gwen." Harry pulled me in a hug, and I rested my head on his shoulder, the tears rolling down my cheek. Harry moved us, until we were in a dark secluded corner and he apparated us out of the karaoke bar.

We landed straight in my bedroom. Without saying anything, he transfigured my dress into a nightgown and tucked me in. I curled up in a ball again, just like weeks prior, the tears rolling down freely now. He kissed the top of my head. "It will all be fine, trust me." He whispered before he walked out of the bedroom. I curled even more into myself, hugging my knees against my chest. Trying to block everything out.

"Harry?" Andy asked surprised as he bounded down the stairs. "Where is Gwen?" She looked behind him worried. "What happened?"

"We bumped into George, Fred and Lee." He rubbed his hand over his face.


"That's not all." He dropped down on the coffee table in front of her. "I saw them when I was waiting at the bar, I wanted to warn her, but the DJ just called us up to sing."

"Okay." She said slowly.

"We sang together, it was fun. As it was kind of a romantic song, people asked us to kiss at the end."

The Tale of Guinevereحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن