The Necklace

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I stirred a little before my eyes fluttered open. I heard voices near me whisper in hushed tones and noticed that both of my hands were clasped into someone else's. I tilted my head a little, but it hurt, and I winced. Then the two people who were holding my hands, appeared in my view. George and Cedric looked at me with worried eyes.

"Are you okay?" Cedric asked.

"You were the one who almost died." I tried to smile as they helped me sit up. I saw the two boys share a look. "What?"

"We better wait until Dumbledore gets here."

"I'll go get him." George kissed my forehead softly. "I'll be right back."

"Yeah." I said weakly as he slipped out of my hand. "Are you okay?" I turned to look at Cedric.

"I need some more healing, but I'll be fine." He said next to me, I craned my neck a little further and saw that he was lying on his own hospital bed, that was pushed against mine. I took our clasped hands and placed them on my lap.

"I thought I lost you." The tears starting to roll down.

"I know, I'm so sorry." He said as he wiped a tear away that rolled down my cheek. "I thought I lost you too."

"What-" I frowned in confusion, but I couldn't finish my sentence as George walked back in the room, followed by Dumbledore, Pomfrey and Sprout. George retook his seat next to me, while the professors and Pomfrey stood at the end of my bed. "Can someone tell me what's going on?" I huffed as no one spoke.

"Miss Northon, can you tell me about this." Dumbledore asked, holding out my necklace.

"Cedric gave it to me on my birthday, why?" I frowned at the headmaster.

"And you gave it to Cedric before the task, is that correct?"

"I-" I glanced to Cedric and back to the headmaster. "I did."

"And what -" The headmaster stepped closer to my bed. "Did you do with it?"

I bit my lip, and twirled with my fingers, looking down. Cedric leaned his head forward as he looked at me. "Winnie?"

"I charmed it." I said to Cedric, not the headmaster.

"What did you use?" The headmaster inquired.

"What does it matter?!" I shouted, throwing my hands in the air which hurt like hell. Madam Pomfrey noticed my pain and came over with a potion. I smiled politely at the healer and drank it, feeling the effects in an instant. "He almost died anyway!" I snarled at the professor.

"If it weren't for this, if it weren't for you." Professor Sprout said. "Cedric would have died."

"What?" I squeaked and my hands started to tremble. Cedric took both my hands in his, while George wrapped his arm round my shoulders.

"The cup was a portkey." Cedric started, getting my attention. "Harry and I grabbed it at the same time, and we were transported to a graveyard."

"A graveyard?"

"You-know- Voldemort." Cedric breathed in deeply. "Was there. His follower, Peter Pettigrew, aimed the killing curse at me." My hands tightened around his as I started to shake. "Without this." He said as Sprout handed the necklace back. "I would have died." It was silent for a moment as I glanced from the necklace to Cedric.

"I believe it was largely because of the necklace and part of the fact that Pettigrew was never a strong wizard. If it would've been Voldemort himself..." The room went quiet as they all understood what would've happened. "So, the spell nearly killed him. If it wasn't for your quick thinking and how miss Granger explains it, muggle CPR, Cedric would not be sitting here."

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