Giving Them Some Intel

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Two weeks had passed since the karaoke bar, and neither Harry nor Andy tried to talk to me about it. They tried to in the beginning, but I just ignored their questions. I was cleaning CJ and Teddy's room while the boys played outside. Ever since our move here over 2 months ago, the boys were inseparable. They played, ate and slept together. There was another room available, but the boys refused to be separated. It was amazing to watch them together, they copied each other's hair and eye colour, they're even starting to talk in sync with one another.

As I levitated the race car bed, I cleaned the floor with the mop. As the bed started to float down, my cell phone rang. I flipped it open to reveal a text message from Lee. We had exchanged a few letters over the week, and I gave him my cell number since it was easier and faster than through owl.

Hey, Jenny.

Don't forget, The Tricycle at two ;)


Of, course I haven't forget. There's a reason I was cleaning the whole upstairs. Trying to keep busy and my nerves at bay until the time came. I jotted down a quick reply before I finished cleaning the boys' room and went to get ready.

"CJ!" I called through the garden where he was playing with Teddy. "It's time to go!"

"Coming!" He called back. He put his little shovels in his bucket in the sandbox and ran over with Teddy on his heels. "Can Teddy come with?"

I kneeled in front of the two boys. "Harry will be here any minute now." I turned to Teddy. "Harry and your grandmom are going to take you to the Weasleys."

"Why can't you come with us?" Teddy asked with his puppy eyes.

"Because we're meeting up with an old friend of mine."

"Will you come next time?" He tugged my hand slightly.

"We'll see." I kissed the top of his head. "Let's go inside, Uncle Harry should be here any minute." I stood up as the kids raced by me. With a smile, I followed them inside the house. Andy was tugging on her shoes when Harry arrived through the fireplace.

"Hello, handsome." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Hey, gorgeous."

He was wearing his auror robes, I raised a single eyebrow at him. "Are you going to the burrow dressed like that?" I chuckled. "Trying to impress someone?"

Harry huffed a laugh. "I wish. No, I just came from work, have other clothes right here." He lifted the bag in his hand. "When are you meeting with Lee?" He asked glancing at his watch.

"Now, actually." I looked over my shoulder. "CJ, honey." He gave Teddy a tight hug before walking over. I smiled at the two boys before he took my hand. "We'll see you tonight." I kissed Andy's cheek and the top of Teddy's head. "Are you staying for dinner, Harry?"

"If it's not too much trouble." He grinned.

"You're always welcome, Harry." Andy smiled as she picked up Teddy.

"Great, dinner for five then." I smiled. "See you tonight." I squeezed CJ's hand, and we popped out of the house.

We apparated right into the indoor playground. It was a wizarding playground, only opened about six months ago, by none other than Angelina Johnsson and her husband.

"Welc-" Angelina gasped a little as she saw me. "Gwen?" She choked out.

I smiled as I neared the desk. "Angelina, I didn't know you'd be here."

The Tale of Guinevereحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن