Baby Fever

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"Mum, dad!" Cedric hugged his parents the moment they stepped out of the fireplace.

"Cedric, my boy. How are you, how's married life?" Amos asked, while Olive made a beeline for me. She hugged me tight, as I heard Cedric say.

"Both are excellent, more so even."

"Really? Already figured out the secret to a good marriage?" Amos chuckled.

"Marrying the love of your life is a good start." Cedric winked at me. Olive looked at me with a bemused face before she huffed a laugh, clapping her hand over her mouth.

"Come on, let's give you a tour of the house. The sunroom is one of my favourites."

"Piano is one of mine." I shot Cedric a sly smile over my shoulder as Olive locked her arm with mine.

We ended the tour on the second floor, saving the room right across from us for last.

"This is my ultimate favourite room." Cedric smiled as he pushed open the door. The room was once a dusty, old office. But now the walls were painted in an ocean blue/green colour. A white wooden crib stood against the wall; frames photos hung above it. A dresser was situated on the other side, and a rocking chair was seated at the window. I saw Olive's mouth drop open, while Amos just nodded, not really getting it.

"Please tell me you're not joking around?" Olive whirled around to look at us. Cedric had taken his place behind me, his arms wrapped around me until his hands rested on my stomach.

"We're not." Cedric grinned.

"You're - you're pregnant!" Olive squealed and tried to wrap her arms around the both of us.

"Pregnant? Who's pregnant?" Amos seemed to come out of his own world. Then his eyes flickered from the room to the three of us hugging, and I saw it when it all clicked into place. "I'm going to be a grandpa?" He wrapped his arms around the three of us, and I could swear I saw a few tears rolling down his cheek. I tilted my head to look at Cedric, he wore a proud and beaming smile, and when he looked at me it was filled with love. He leaned down and kissed me softly.

"When are you do?" Olive asked as she glanced to my stomach.

"October. It's still quite early, so please don't tell anyone." I rubbed my still flat stomach. "I'm a little over two months now." That means Tonks is due to give birth in a few weeks . I thought to myself.

"And you already have the room ready?" Amos smiled as he sat down the drinks on the coffee table.

"We need to do something to keep us busy." Cedric answered and took his place beside me. "We don't know how long we'll be here, but we want to be prepared."

"You should move back in with us." Olive said excitedly. Cedric and I shared a nervous look. We thought that might happen and we decided against it.

"No, mum." Cedric said softly. "We need our own place. And when the war is over, or when Winnie's parents get back, we'll search for our own home."

"But thank you, you know how much I love your home, how much I love the two of you."

"I know, sweetie." She padded my hand with a smile. "We love you too, so much."

"So, picked a name out already?" Amos asked.

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