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Book 1

"Winnie, wake up." A gentle voice said softly as he shook me.

"No, too early." I mumbled, burying my face in the pillow.

"Guinevere." He sighed. "The others will be at the meeting point soon; we don't want to miss the portkey."

My eyes shot open as I pushed myself up on the bed and stared at the boy in front of me. "Merlin, Ced! Couldn't you wake me up sooner?" I pulled my top down that had creeped up above my navel and hopped out of bed, leaving Cedric alone in the room.

"I've been trying to wake you up for the last ten minutes!" I heard him chuckle as he called back.

I raced to the bathroom and undressed myself before I hopped in the shower. After a quick wash, I dried myself off and put on the clothes I had put in the bathroom the night before.
I stood in front of the small mirror above the sink, gazing at my reflection as I combed through my ash blonde hair. I squinted and my hair changed into a dark brown colour, before I shook my head and turned it back, making it reach my mid back. I wore a high-waist dark jeans with a Burgundy crop jumper on top. My mother was a muggle born, so I practically grew up wearing muggle clothes. Not that I minded, muggle clothes were far better than wizarding fashion. I laughed my voice raw the first time Cedric tried to wear muggle clothes, but I went shopping with him the summer after their first year and now he had a full closet with decent muggle clothes.

I opened the bathroom door and glanced to my left to see Cedric's bedroom empty and darted down the stairs to the kitchen. On the kitchen island sat Cedric talking excitingly with his parents. He wore a simple blue jeans with a dark grey slim fit jumper.

"Morning." I smiled as I sat down next to Cedric's mum, Olive, who passed me a cup of tea. "Thanks. Olive, I was wondering if you would do my hair before we leave?"

"Sure, sweetheart." Olive smiled as she stood up from her seat and went to stand behind me as she started to dry my hair with a drying spell. Cedric had inherited the hair from his mum. The wavy brown locks reached her lower back, dark brown eyes full of kindness and love. "Are you keeping this length and colour?"

"For now." I grinned as I tilted my head to look at her. Olive smiled back as she pushed my head back down and started braiding my hair.

"How did you sleep, Guinevere?" Amos asked as he sipped his cup.

"Dad, you know she hates it when you call her Guinevere." Cedric groaned next to his father. "Just call her Gwen or Winnie."

Amos winked at me, knowing full well I didn't like it and wanted to see if Cedric would mention it.

"I slept great, like I always do here." I smiled at Amos.

Cedric and I had been friends ever since we got sorted into Hufflepuff our first year. After our first year, I would come stay at their house during the last month of summer as my parents had to go abroad for work. They had offered me my own room, but I always bunked up with Cedric and his parents didn't mind, even when we grew older. They just placed a second bed in his room after the third night I spend there and it never left his room. The Diggory family didn't live that far from the Weasleys, but I never visited them with Cedric. I had some of my classes with the twins and saw them at a party once in a while, but we never really interacted. I always kept to my Hufflepuff friends, to Cedric.

We had a very close friendship and we've been asked a lot if Cedric and I weren't something more, but no, nothing had ever happened between us. I couldn't deny Cedric looked good; he really came into his looks in our fourth, and girls and boys noticed. Cedric had a semi-serious girlfriend last year, Cho from Ravenclaw while I had a relationship with Gavin, also a Ravenclaw but a year older than me. Both relationships ended before summer, leaving us to have a free and careless summer. But ever since the end of our relationships, things shifted between us. We would flirt with each other while we certainly didn't do that before. We found each other locking gaze on more than one occasion, making each other feel flustered.

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