Start of Summer

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"It's weird knowing we won't come back here next year, isn't it?" Lyra said as she sat next to me on the train ride to London. The boys were sitting across from us, talking about some of their exams, I didn't feel like discussing it myself.

"Yeah, and a whole new life is waiting for us on the other side of that wall. When will you start training?"

"Next week, the first few months will alternate to see what suits me the most. I'm nervous but I can't wait." She grinned broadly.

"And you will do great. I'm going to miss you." We looked at each other before falling into each other's arms.

"I'll miss you too. You've been my best friend for seven years, we never been apart more than two months." She wiped her tears away when she pulled back. "When do you leave?"

"We'll be staying at Cedric's until the wedding. When Bash and Charlie leave for their honeymoon, Ced and I will go help out in Romania until they are back."

"And after?"

"We're planning everything out now, but it won't be before September, so maybe we'll stay in Romania 'till then. So, if you have time this summer, we can definitely meet up."

"It will be hectic, but I'll find the time, I promise." She clasped her hands over mine.

"We can meet up just us two and the guys can come join us later." I smiled as we leaned against each other. There was a rapid knock on the door, but before any of us can open it the door slid open. "Lee." I squealed and jumped up. Lee who was smiling held out his arms and wrapped me up in a tight hug.

"Hi, love." He kissed the top of my head before smiling to the others, while I was still tucked under his arm. "Puffs." He greeted them with a grin. "Can I steal Jenny for a bit?"

I slapped Lee's chest with a fake scowl. "I can decide for myself, you know." I turned under his arm and pulled him out of the carriage. I heard the others chuckle until the door closed behind us. "Are you coming to the wedding." I asked as I wrapped an arm around his waist.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." He grinned. "Speaking of the wedding... Ready to see George?"

"It won't be easy, but I'll be happy to see him again."

"I know he'll be happy to see you, even if you are with Cedric." Lee said, and I stopped in my tracks and looked up to him.


"You think I haven't noticed?" He chuckled. "I know you since we were six, I know you, Jenny."

"When did you found out?" I asked as we both leaned against the window.

"A little over a week ago, in class. It wasn't really noticeable but for someone who knows you like I do..." He grinned with a shrug. "I'm happy for you, Jenny." He nudged me gently.

"You're not mad?"

"Mad? Why would I be mad?"

"Because George is your best friend." I looked down at my feet.

"So are you. I just want you to be happy. Be it with George, Cedric or even Malfoy." I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Alright, maybe not Malfoy." He grinned. "Are you happy?"

"I am." I smiled softly. "Can you keep this to yourself? We're keeping it quiet for now and I want to tell George myself."

"My lips are sealed." He said as he did the movement over his lips. "I'm going to miss you." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close.

"I'll miss you too."

We stood there for about ten minutes before we parted ways, me going back to my friends and Lee going back to the Gryffindor filled carriage. 

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