The Day After

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The next morning, I walked with Luke to the great hall. We had transfigured his robes into something more comfortable. We were talking as we walked through the corridors.

"So, why did you need the distraction?"

"Did I say I needed it?" He asked.

"No, but you know." I shrugged. "Misery finds misery. Is this about Maggie?" I saw him flinch at the name and looked forward. "I'm sorry." I looped my arm through his and leaned my head on his arm. "You deserved so much better."

"Thanks, Gwen." A smile appeared on his lips as he pulled an arm around me, still looking forward.

"Hey, you called me Gwen."

"Well, that's your name, isn't it?" He grinned as he looked at me.

"As far as I know." I chuckled. "But you always call me Northon."

"Hm, after last night I think we're on first name basis. I had a great night, if you – you know want to do that again sometime..."

"I know where to find you." I winked and leaned in to kiss the corner of his mouth. Neither of us had noticed we were standing in front of the great hall until cat calls were heard. I turned to look at the noise and saw the boys from the Ravenclaw table clapping and calling out.

"I'm sorry. They are idiots." Luke frowned at the Ravenclaw table and looked to me.

"It's okay. I'm not ashamed." Luke let his arm drop from my shoulder and grabbed my hand. "I'll see you later, Luke. Thanks for last night." I squeezed his hand. He smiled and gave me another kiss on the cheek before he walked to the Ravenclaw table with a glare. I rummaged in my bag and headed over to the Gryffindor table. The twins had watched the whole ordeal and I saw George clenching his knife in the table. Hermione, Ron, Harry, Lee and Katie were sitting with them.

"Good morning, everyone." I put on a fake smile. "I had my muggle camera with me and enchanted it to take pictures throughout the night." I started pulling out the ones full of Gryffindors and turned to Fred. "I'm glad to see you asked Hermione to dance." I whispered before I turned to the others, pushing the photo over to them.

"It looked like you all had a great night." I spread the photos on the table and let the one of George with Angelina fall right under George's nose. "You just look them over, keep whichever you like." I say with a forced smile when I looked straight to George, who had gone pale when his eyes fell on the photo. "Bye." I said and without waiting, turned to the Hufflepuff table.

I ignored the murmurs that were going around the Gryffindor group and walked to Cedric, who to my surprise was sitting alone. And hopped next to him and his arm instantly went around my shoulder.

"Morning." I said as I started to fill my plate.

"Morning." His voice a little distant. "What just happened?" He asked, when I looked up, I saw him nudging his head to the Gryffindor table.

"Oh, you remember my camera?" He nodded. "Well, all the pictures appeared right into my purse, and I thought I give the ones from Gryffindor to them." I saw that he was waiting for more. "And... I thought I would hand over George's photo with Angelina in person."

"He didn't?" His voice shocked and laced with anger.

"Yep." I popped the P as I buttered my toast. "Them snogging in the alcove around the corner."

"I'm sorry." He rubbed my arm before letting it fall between us and looked at me seriously. "Do you want me to kill him?"

"No, I'm good." I chuckled and patted his hand. "Thanks though. How did it go with Cho last night?"

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