The Day Before The Wedding

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"I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" I said as we walked to the kitchen.

"Why do you need to go a day early?" Cedric pouted as we entered the kitchen. His parents were sitting at the kitchen island.

"They don't want to see each other before the wedding, so Charlie is staying at the burrow while Bash stays at Bill's flat. And you know Bash, he doesn't like to be alone." I laughed softly. "And he didn't want a stag party, he just wanted me there."

"Tell Sebastian, he doesn't need to stress too much. Everything will be okay." Olive smiled as she kissed my cheek.

"I'll be sure to tell him that." I answered as she stepped back. Cedric came behind me and wrapped his arms around me.

"What time do you want me to come over?" He asked. I saw his parents share a look, before they disappeared from the kitchen.

"Are you still planning on being my date?" I smiled as he kissed my neck.

"If you still want to... with George there." He said hesitantly, and I turned in his arms, so I could look up to him.

"I was going to tell George today, no matter what. We've broken up long before we got together, but he deserves to hear it from me. So yes, I want you there as my date. Bash and I will leave for the burrow at one. Come by before then and then the three of us can apparate there." I searched my pocket for the note with Bill's address on it. "Here is the address, meet me there."

"Can't wait." He kissed my nose. "Been wondering about that dress for months now." He smiled and I poked his side as I shook my head laughing. Then he dramatically added. "I hope I can sleep tonight, without my favourite pillow next to me." His pout heavy again. "We've been sleeping together every night since that picnic in my room."

"I advise you; you don't tell that to my brother." I chuckled and curled my arms around his neck before I kissed him soundly. Cedric pushed me against the counter when a pop was heard, and someone cleared their throat. Ced and I pulled apart and looked to the place the noise came from. Bash was standing there as he looked anywhere but us. I rolled my eyes as I looked back to Cedric. "I'll see you tomorrow." I gave him a chaste kiss.

"Tomorrow." He nodded. "I love you."

"I love you."

"Bash, I'll see you tomorrow." He said turning to my brother. "Keep her safe for me, will you?" He asked and shot me a wink as I was about to protest.

"Will do." Bash snickered as he saw my reaction. "Let's go, little one." He held out his arm for me and I looped mine through. "See you, Ced." He waved. I smiled at Cedric as I felt the pull behind my navel. Cedric's eyes didn't leave mine until we were completely gone.

We appeared in Bill's living room. "So, when did that happen?" He asked the moment we settled down on the couch. I looked around frantically to spot a certain red head. "Don't worry, Bill's at the burrow, helping set everything up."

"Oh." My tense shoulders slumped. "It happened two weeks before school ended."

"And you never told me!" He gasped in his typical Bash way.

"You were in Romania! Besides we kept it quiet, only three people know and Ced's parents."

"For George?"

"Yeah." I leaned my head on my hand that rested on the back of the couch. "I want to tell him myself."

"And you thought telling him on my wedding day is the best time?" I opened my mouth to speak but he carried on. "I like a little bit of drama at a wedding." He winked with a grin.

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