Chapter Six

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It was late at night and I was just laying in my bed not even trying to sleep, I don't even know what to do anymore, now Owlette has caught onto my behavior. On the bright side, she has never seen me in action unlike Gekko. I'm pretty much lost in a maze, a maze that's just going along in a circle around my head, constantly getting lost. I don't know what my next move should be. All I have in my head are thoughts about what happened earlier at Power Q. I've nearly hurt so many of my friends, Gekko, PJ Robot, and now Owlette. I stayed awake all night thinking about them until I realized I should be getting up now since I have school to go to.

School, was another thing that just clicked in my mind. Although I have been suspended but when I get back, I don't know if I can show my face anymore in school. I beat Cameron up, and I don't think I would want to walk with Greg and Amaya. I don't have much people I can really show my face to, relatively someone who doesn't know anything that has happened to me so far, that includes Ivan, Newton, and everybody else we see only at night, except PJ Robot. I wasn't sure if I wanted to go to school at all, I just wanted to stay home, I wanted to somewhat try and go to school but I cannot risk showing my face since I don't want to deal with that yet. I can probably use that hand-to-hand fight with Cameron as an excuse to skip school since he will probably use the same thing too. He didn't bruise me too badly and I wouldn't react as much because I'm used to so much pain courtesy of Romeo.

I got up from my bed and had my usual morning routine of brushing my teeth, doing my hair, and having breakfast. I noticed I had a black eye probably from Cameron and it stings quite badly. I applied ice on my bruises and let it sit for some time while watching my friends outside walking to school, they sure looked like they wanted to call me out but changed their minds for some reason, I was quite glad they didn't ring my doorbell. While I was letting my bruises heal I started contemplating what I was going to do this night, it sure was going to be awkward when everybody arrives, at least awkward with Owlette and Gekko and maybe PJ Robot.

I started to think of why villains were just causing mayhem without a single reason, Night Ninja said it was "Ninja fun", and Luna Girl I didn't get the chance to ask, but it would have been obvious anyway. If there are any villains who are like that I'm really going to let myself out of the bag.

I waited through the day until the sun went down, my bruises were tolerable now and the pain was getting bearable. I still wasn't sure if I should transform into Catboy and join my friends. I saw my amulet light up and decided to go for it.

I transformed and as soon as everyone arrived, it was complete silence. Everyone was expecting me to say the usual "for today's mission" line, but I just stayed quiet, and so did everybody else I guess. Shortly after, PJ Robot broke the silence. He displayed a bunch of villains all over the city, seems like a lot of villains are out. He displayed villains like the Wolfy kids, Carly and Cartoka, Pharaoh boy, and surprisingly, even Night Ninja. I took glances at Owlette and Gekko since they were obviously trying not to make eye contact with me. Everyone left and went to deal with the villains, when I was just about to join them PJ Robot grabbed my arm.

"Hey! Let go!" I said.

"You're staying with me!" He said as everybody slid down the slide.

"What's wrong with you PJ Robot!" I yelled.

PJ Robot grabbed me and sat me on my chair.

"Hey! What was that for!" I was starting to get angry.

"I created those fake photos of villains just to give us some privacy." He said.

"Privacy for what?!" I demanded to know.

"Your behavior! You're a totally different person now compared to before you were taken by Romeo!" He said.

"There's nothing wrong with the way I'm acting!" I replied.

"Are you kidding me? You almost attacked me and you attacked Owlette didn't you? And when you and Gekko came back from that one mission about Night Ninja, Gekko looked really upset and annoyed." He yelled.

I couldn't argue much with that. "I jumped on you because you kept annoying me, Owlette too! And Gekko was only upset about Night Ninja!"

"So you admit to attacking Owlette? What's wrong with you?!" He yelled back.

"I didn't attack her. I pushed her back." I replied.

"She could have been hurt! What if you pushed her back against the back of a chair?!" He said.

"Well she didn't so I don't care." I say as I tried to get up from my chair.

PJ Robot pushed me down. " We're not done! Tell me! Are you going savage because of your experience with Romeo or the villains just happen to get more villainous when you returned on duty?!"

As soon as I heard the name "Romeo" said by PJ Robot, I immediately freeze while being hit by a wave of anxiety. PJ Robot must have noticed me getting petrified from the name of "Romeo".

"You haven't fully recovered yet haven't you? Maybe you should take some nights off before coming back." He said.

"I'm fine! I don't need to take any nights off! In fact, when I was Romeo's slave, he gave me the wakeup call I needed for my Cat Claws!" I argue back.

"You don't need your Cat Claws! Everybody else's powers aren't as lethal and sharp as your claws!" He replied.

"So?! Well guess what! I used them to get the memories back to my friends! They're more useful then you think!" I yelled.

"The only thing they're useful for is to hurt people! I remember when Gekko came back with a huge scratch on his face! And seeing that you now have a new power which are "claws"! You hurt Gekko didn't you!" I really wanted to end this conversation when he said that.

"I scratched Gekko because I knew that Romeo would erase everyone's memories! That includes you!" I replied.

"What about the part where they're only useful for hurting others!" He said.

I realized he was right, I only used them for hurting others, I hurt Gekko, teared up Romeo's Fly Bots, I clawed up Night Ninja's Ninjalinos, and those Moon sisters. I still thought those can still be useful in ways more than slicing and dicing.

"I'm not going to explain everything to you! You've already made me have it! I've had enough of  you for tonight!" I turned back and started walking out on the spot.

"Catboy! Where do you think you're going?! You need to go home and take a few nights off." He said behind me.

"You can't keep up this violent behav-"

I threw one of my claws at him and it barely missed him, barely whizzed past his head and hit the wall behind him. I wanted that to be enough to shut him up. PJ Robot looked at my neon blue glowing claws, so sharp to hit and stay on the wall behind him.

I wasn't going to head home and call it a night, I decided to wait for the others to come back since those pictures were obviously fake, fake enough for the others and me to fall for it.

I went to a more secluded part of Power Q just to have some time alone. I just kept thinking back to what PJ Robot said. I wasn't planning to take a few nights off since I didn't think anything was wrong with me, I wanted to prove him wrong. There's nothing wrong with me, but I'm not blind enough to see other's worrying about me and I absolutely hate it.

I don't need any help or therapy from anyone.

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